Showing posts with label Can hypertension be cured. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Can hypertension be cured. Show all posts

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Can hypertension be cured? 6 big pits, don't fall into it anymore

Can hypertension be cured? 6 big pits, don't fall into it anymore.

The number of hypertension individuals is growing year by year, as is the incidence of this condition. In addition to active hypertension therapy, scientific and effective management must be implemented in daily life so that blood pressure may be regulated and problems can be avoided. If you have a problem, talking to your doctor and listening to professional perspectives is far preferable to thinking about it yourself.

1. Hypertension is curable.

There is currently no radical cure for hypertension based on current medical technology. There are several traps in the market designed to exploit the psyche of hypertensive patients who wish to treat the ailment. Primary hypertension, like secondary hypertension, necessitates the use of medications and a change in lifestyle in order to return to normal blood pressure levels. However, there is no method to cure it. It will relapse if you do not pay care.

2. You do not need to check your blood pressure when taking medication.

Blood pressure gradually stabilized after taking antihypertensive drugs, leading many patients to believe that taking drugs does not always require blood pressure monitoring. However, blood pressure is affected by a variety of factors, including mood, weather, environment, sleep, age, and other diseases. As a result, whether you take medicine or not, you should frequently measure your blood pressure 2 to 3 times a month in order to understand your blood pressure and prevent it from rising without your knowledge.

3. You do not need to continue taking medication if your blood pressure is normal.

Many people relate hypertension to common conditions and assume that they do not need to take medication as long as their blood pressure levels are reasonable. However, this is due to the fact that blood pressure returns to normal after using antihypertensive medications. When the medicines are withdrawn, the blood pressure returns to normal. It is not possible to cease taking medicines if your blood pressure is normal and your symptoms have subsided.

4. There are no signs of low blood pressure.

Most cases of hypertension have no symptoms in the early stages, leading to the disease's neglect. The blood pressure is steady after taking medicine, and the rebound symptoms are not noticeable. The majority of them have no symptoms, which causes blood pressure to increase constantly, eventually leading to consequences such as intracerebral hemorrhage, myocardial infarction, and heart failure.

5. Long-term use of antihypertensive medications can harm the liver and kidneys.

Many people would refuse antihypertensive medicines because they believe they will harm their kidneys and liver. However, long-term hypertension instability will damage the heart, brain, liver, and kidney, leading to a variety of consequences and even death. Blood pressure rise needs standardized medication to stabilize blood pressure, and the harm caused by not utilizing antihypertensive medicines is worse. Furthermore, the adverse effects of certain medications will not be totally eliminated. As a result, as long as the liver and kidney are monitored on a regular basis when taking medications, there is no need to reject or lose too much.

6. Health items are safer.

Because antihypertensive medicines have adverse effects, it is preferable to use health supplements to lower blood pressure. However, health-care goods are not medications. Blood pressure is still rising. Only medication can bring the illness under control. Health care items cannot be used to cure ailments, and after entering the body, they must be destroyed and eliminated through the liver and kidney, putting a strain on the liver and kidney. As a result, don't only trust, purchase, and accept them on faith.


Warm advice: Patients with hypertension desire stable blood pressure, so they take medications, eat a decent diet, don't smoke or drink, increase exercise, improve physical resistance, decrease pressure, prevent excessive emotional fluctuation, and keep excellent living habits. Furthermore, it should be mentioned that medications should be used for an extended period of time and should not be replaced at will. They should not blindly follow others to acquire medicines, especially when they are taken in the early stages, because of the bad effect. Because of individual variances in hypertension, using medicines without consulting a doctor will result in an increase in blood pressure and other consequences.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Can hypertension be cured completely? Listen to the doctor's good treatment method to stabilize your blood pressure without soaring!

 Can hypertension be cured completely? Listen to the doctor's good treatment method to stabilize your blood pressure without soaring!

Summarize the advancement of living standards. Hypertension is very common and common, and it has severely threatened people's health!! If you have hypertensive patients around you, these few secret recipes of Trane must be passed on to them.

Most essential hypertension that is not clearly diagnosed as a secondary cause requires life-long treatment. It is possible to use lifestyle interventions, such as diet control, adding activities, etc., so that the blood pressure of some patients can be controlled at a normal scale. If the blood pressure is still not up to standard based on lifestyle intervention, it is advisable to take oral drugs for long-term treatment. However, if the blood pressure fluctuates, the dosage of the drug can be adjusted according to the detailed situation.

Can hypertension be cured completely? This may be a problem that the majority of patients are very concerned about. In fact, uh, for us now, if there is no clear diagnosis of the secondary cause, most of this kind of essential hypertension is lifelong and requires lifelong treatment, then Well, after, for example, the intervention of this kind of lifestyle, ah, the manipulation of diet, er, adding activities, etc., some patients' blood pressure can indeed be controlled at a normal scale, but, er, lifestyle interference, There is also this kind of diet control, that is, we add activities, control, and control the diet. In fact, it is also part of the treatment. On the basis of lifestyle intervention, if the blood pressure is still not qualified, er, oral medication is still advocated. , And the drug needs a long time. However, if there is a shaky time, the dosage of the drug can be adjusted according to its detailed situation. For example, in summer, a single patient may need antihypertensive drugs to reduce the dose, while in winter, they need antihypertensive drugs. Increase the amount and so on. Then, the details should be treated in the hospital. Experts concluded that the primary hypertension that is not clearly diagnosed as a secondary cause requires life-long treatment and can use lifestyle interventions, such as diet. In this way, the blood pressure of some patients can be controlled at a normal scale. If the blood pressure still cannot reach the standard based on lifestyle intervention, it is recommended that oral medication be used for long-term treatment, but if the blood pressure fluctuates, it can be based on it. Adjust the dosage of the medicine in detail.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

The human body's mystery: in two minutes, I'll explain the basis of high blood pressure to you!

The human body's mystery: in two minutes, I'll explain the basis of high blood pressure to you!

A quick increase in blood pressure may not cause bodily harm for a short time, but it will create long-term damage to our heart, brain, kidneys, blood vessels, and retina. It can cause myocardial hypertrophy, arrhythmia, and even heart failure; it can cause cerebral arteriosclerosis, which can lead to cerebral hemorrhage or infarction; it can cause kidney damage and even uremia; it can cause retinal arteriosclerosis and retinal hemorrhage; and it can cause retinal hemorrhage. Alternatively, ooze.

Hello there, everyone. Hypertension is my given name. When blood travels through blood vessels, it exerts lateral pressure on the blood channel walls. This is referred to as blood pressure. When this pressure rises too high, high blood pressure develops.

What to do with high blood pressure?

Blood vessels in the human body are smooth and elastic when they are normal and healthy. High blood pressure puts additional strain on the blood vessel wall. Consider what occurs when a rubber tube is stretched and stretched for an extended period of time.

The initial elastic blood vessel wall stiffens, hardens, and even cracks. Once a fracture forms, the blood vessel wall is no longer smooth, and a considerable number of blood components become trapped in the fissure. To some extent, they build up higher and higher. Atherosclerosis is a blockage of the wall. When atherosclerosis develops, it is analogous to thesupplys of a rubber tube. It can't cushion the pressure as well as it used to, and the blood pressure rises, perhaps causing blood vessel rupture and hemorrhage. The initial stage in our body is to lower our blood pressure. Its purpose is to cleanse blood vessels.

Because there are no blood arteries in the body, the dangers of high blood pressure are significantly greater. The blood arteries in thebrain are brittlee and thin, resulting in cerebral bleeding. Cerebral infarction, often known as stroke, causes the blood in the blood vessels in the eyes to harden. Breaking through the blood vessels can result in hemorrhage in the fundus of the eye, loss of vision, and even blood vessels in the hands and feet are impacted, as might a lack of blood flow.

Pain does not make it strong, even if it does give it a slope form. What is more concerning is the permanent hardening of blood arteries. When the hardened coronary arteries fail to provide adequate blood to the myocardial one day, the myocardium will experience ischemia symptoms. This is called angina pectoris. Furthermore, the heart muscle cannot get enough blood to keep the heart pumping, the heart cannot pump enough blood, and the entire body cannot function normally. Mental failure is unavoidable. I want to shout here, but I don't want to. You sent a powerful alcoholic, smoker, lazy, and hungry ghost to attack me; how can I be a weak person to overcome it?

How to treat people with high blood pressure to get better results? 4 ways to regulate high blood pressure

I'll let you in on a little secret: my class is a blood pressure monitor and a weight scale. As a result, if you haven't already had high blood pressure, please avoid a high-salt, high-fat diet, increase your activity, and take safeguards. Those who have already experienced high blood pressure should follow the rules. The doctor plans, actively participates in the modification of living habits, and, when necessary, regulates with medications. ​​