Showing posts with label High blood sugar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label High blood sugar. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

What is the difference between high blood sugar and diabetes?

 What is the difference between high blood sugar and diabetes?

Hyperglycemia and diabetes are both very common human diseases. Because the two diseases have similar names and are related to a certain degree, many people will confuse them. In fact, there are still big differences between the two diseases. In short, high blood glucose only means that the glucose content in the human blood is too high. Diabetes not only means that the patient has high blood sugar, but the function of the pancreatic islets has also been damaged.

  Hyperglycemia and diabetes are diseases that modern people are susceptible to. Because these two diseases are somewhat related, many people will confuse them. This will easily lead to misdiagnosis and mistreatment, which will eventually cause serious irreversible consequences to patients. Then, what is the difference between hyperglycemia and diabetes? What? Next, please find the answer to the question from the text.

To put it simply, high blood sugar generally only means that the content of glucose in the human blood is too high. High blood sugar does not necessarily mean diabetes, but people with diabetes must be accompanied by high blood sugar. Diabetic patients not only have high blood sugar problems, but also It also means that the patient's islet function has been severely damaged.

   The occurrence of hyperglycemia may be related to the excessive absorption of sugar by the human kidneys, or it may be related to factors such as abnormal intestinal absorption, while the occurrence of diabetes is mostly related to genetic factors and environmental factors. It can be seen that the causes of the two diseases are quite different, and patients with diabetes often have abnormal immune systems, but patients with high blood sugar generally do not have this situation.

Although both hyperglycemia and diabetes can induce the symptoms of "three polys", patients with hyperglycemia generally do not experience a sudden weight loss in a short period of time, and patients with diabetes are more likely to experience a sudden weight loss in a short period of time, and regardless of diabetes No matter how much the patient eats, the weight is also in a downward trend. Not only that, in terms of the course of disease, the course of diabetes is much longer than that of hyperglycemia, and the cure rate of hyperglycemia is still very high, while the cure rate of diabetes is not very ideal.

I believe everyone already knows the difference between hyperglycemia and diabetes. In fact, whether it is hyperglycemia or diabetes, once it occurs, it will cause incalculable harm to the human body. Therefore, no matter what kind of disease, everyone should not underestimate it. When the body has suspected symptoms At the time, it is necessary to go to the hospital as early as possible to confirm the diagnosis, and then carry out targeted treatment, so as to avoid misdiagnosis and mistreatment.

Is it OK to drink rice wine if I have high blood sugar?

 Is it OK to drink rice wine if I have high blood sugar?

What are the precautions for drinking with high blood sugar levels?

High blood sugar is a condition that many of my middle-aged and senior acquaintances are familiar with. High blood sugar levels are exceedingly hazardous to patients' health. Patients with high blood sugar levels can drink rice wine in moderation since it is abundant in nutrients and causes little discomfort. Because many patients with high blood sugar like drinking, it is critical for patients with high blood sugar to understand basic precautions for drinking while having high blood sugar.

Because high blood sugar is a disease that affects many patients and is very harmful to the body, patients must generally control their diet and cooperate with drugs to lower blood sugar. Many patients like drinking. Although patients with high blood sugar cannot consume large amounts of alcohol, drinking some rice wine in moderation is not a problem, and moderate drinking is also beneficial to the patient's blood sugar control. Rice wine is high in amino acids and trace elements, which are extremely beneficial to the human body. The following are some drinking precautions for hyperglycemic people.

Note 1: Do not drink dessert wine. Sweet wine is heavy in sugar, and individuals with high blood sugar can take a specific quantity of sugar every day, but not excessively so. 

Note 2: Do not consume on an empty stomach. Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach inhibits the gluconeogenesis response, resulting in highly severe hypoglycemia, which is severely detrimental to patients' ability to manage their blood sugar. And the reaction when drinking may mask the reaction of hypoglycemia, which is difficult to diagnose and extremely hazardous.

Note 3: Limit your intake of basic foods when drinking. Sugar levels in staple meals vary, and high blood sugar levels indicate a high glucose load in the blood. Controlling glucose consumption, so that there is a quantifiable quantity of sugar intake in a day, is the most efficient strategy to reduce blood sugar. Because alcohol includes sugar, it is vital to limit the consumption of basic foods in order to avoid excessive sugar intake when drinking. 

Note 4: Drink in moderation. All alcohol consumption has a maximum limit, for example, the consumption of liquor cannot exceed 50 grams, and so on. You must immediately stop drinking if this maximum limit is surpassed.

High blood sugar is a relatively prevalent condition. Many patients with high blood sugar like drinking a lot. I hope the drinking precautions listed above are beneficial to them. Lowering blood sugar demands the collaboration of medical approaches and nutrition therapy, as well as the modification of certain negative living and eating habits. Only in this manner can we effectively reduce blood sugar and maintain a healthy body.

High blood sugar diet recipes, 4 most reliable recipes for lowering blood sugar to share

 High blood sugar diet recipes, 4 most reliable recipes for lowering blood sugar to share

Core reminder: In recent years, more and more patients suffer from hyperglycemia, especially in the middle-aged and elderly people, the incidence of hyperglycemia is higher, and once there is hyperglycemia, it will have a great impact on the health of patients, especially It is that when blood sugar is not well controlled, some complications will occur. Therefore, patients with high blood sugar should pay attention to reducing blood sugar in time. Some of these recipes can have the effect of lowering blood sugar. You can learn about it.

  Hyperglycemia is very unfavorable to human health. If you do not pay attention to control, the continuous increase of blood sugar will cause some complications, which can lead to diabetes, so high blood sugar must be controlled. So what hypoglycemic recipes are suitable for patients with hyperglycemia? There are four recipes that have good hypoglycemic effects. Let’s take a look.

Blood sugar is a common indicator of our body, too high or too low will cause our attention. For people with high blood sugar, in their daily diet, they should pay attention to sugar intake, and regularly check blood sugar indicators, you can use data to understand your body, and strengthen exercise can improve your own immunity.

1. Fried fungus with onions: onions, green peppers, fungus, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, peanut oil, each in an appropriate amount, prepare all the ingredients and fry them according to the usual method for consumption. Among them, fungus and onions are very beneficial to human health. Containing vitamin K, it can reduce blood clots and prevent thrombosis. It can also prevent atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Onions can lower blood sugar and diuresis.

2. Grain porridge: rice, millet, oatmeal, corn kernels, mung beans, green cabbage leaves, salt, each appropriate amount, first wash the corn kernels and mung beans into the pot, cook for half an hour, then add the rice and millet Cook for half an hour on medium heat, add oatmeal, green cabbage leaves, and salt, and cook for ten minutes. It can clear the lungs, remove dryness, and reduce blood fat and blood sugar.

3. Bitter gourd stewed tofu: bitter gourd and tofu, each appropriate amount, first add cooking oil into the pot and boil, then pour the melon slices into the pot and stir-fry, then add salt, soy sauce, chopped green onion and other condiments, then add the soup, and stew the jade tofu together After cooking, pour sesame oil to season it and eat it with rice. Bitter melon contains chromium and insulin-like substances, which have the effect of lowering blood sugar, can promote the decomposition of sugar and improve the body's fat balance. The tofu is high in protein, has the effect of lowering blood fat, protecting blood vessel cells, and can prevent cardiovascular diseases.

   Fourth, cold bitter gourd slices: fresh and tender bitter gourd, refined salt, sugar, balsamic vinegar, pickled chili, monosodium glutamate, pepper oil, green onion, minced ginger, each appropriate amount, first cut the bitter gourd into thin slices and marinate with various seasonings before eating. It is very suitable for summer consumption. It has the effects of clearing heat and relieving heat, improving eyesight and detoxification, appetizing and quenching thirst, and lowering blood sugar.

High blood sugar diet recipes

Bitter gourd: Bitter gourd is a kind of cold food. It has special effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, clearing liver and improving eyesight, and detoxifying. According to current medical research and invention, bitter gourd contains vitamin B, alanine and so on. The extract of bitter gourd is something similar to insulin, so it can lower blood sugar concentration and is very helpful for diabetes.

Black fungus: Black fungus contains fungus polysaccharides, protein, paper, carotene, and minerals, etc. Among them, black fungus has a special effect on lowering blood sugar. Studies have shown that fungus polysaccharides can not only reduce blood sugar concentration, but also treat Diabetes and other diseases can also be used as an auxiliary treatment medicine.

 Seaweed: Seaweed is also rich in seaweed polysaccharides, vitamins, carotene, protein, fat, etc. Seaweed can reduce blood sugar concentration and maintain blood sugar balance in the body.

Taro: Taro is a low-calorie, high-fiber food. Because of its large molecular weight and high viscosity, its formation in the intestine is very slow, which can delay the absorption of glucose and effectively reduce the increase in blood sugar after a meal. You can eat some taro when you are eating, which can reduce the blood sugar content in the body and stabilize the blood sugar concentration in the body.

People with high blood sugar should not eat some foods with high sugar content casually, and should pay attention to the changes in their blood sugar indicators. If the symptoms have not been improved, they need to go to a regular hospital for examination and treatment in time. The above are some breakfast recipes for people with high blood sugar. The recipes are not absolute, they are just a reference for everyone.

Four good high blood sugar recipes can have a good blood sugar lowering effect. For middle-aged and elderly people with high blood sugar, you may wish to eat more of these recipes in your usual diet to better control blood sugar and prevent blood sugar from rising. And bring greater influence to oneself. It is very important for patients with hyperglycemia to do a good job of reducing blood sugar, otherwise it may lead to some complications. I hope that patients can pay attention to it.