Showing posts with label hypertensive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hypertensive. Show all posts

Thursday, March 31, 2022

How to rationally and safely use medication in hypertensive patients

 How to rationally and safely use medication in hypertensive patients

Core Tip: Essential hypertension is the most common disease of the cardiovascular system.

1. The reason why hypertension must be actively treated is due to the high disability rate of this disease, which can seriously damage various important organs of the human body.

Hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart, increased incidence of coronary heart disease, and ultimately heart failure; cerebrovascular hemorrhage or thrombosis, resulting in new stroke patients every year; kidney damage, renal insufficiency, renal failure, etc.

2. High fatality rate: Patients who die from hypertension and cardiovascular disease account for 41% of the total deaths each year, while untreated hypertensive patients live an average of only 19 years, which is 20 years shorter than that of normotensive patients.

The benefits of hypertension treatment are unexpected: every 2-5 mmHg drop in systolic blood pressure reduces stroke mortality by 6%-14%, coronary heart disease mortality by 4%-9%, and overall mortality 3%-7%.

The treatment of hypertension is divided into two aspects: non-drug therapy and drug therapy.

Non-drug therapy is the basic treatment that all hypertensive patients should follow, and it is also the initial treatment method for low-risk and intermediate-risk patients. Low-risk patients are those with hypertension <160/100 mmHg and no other risk factors; intermediate-risk patients are those with hypertension <180/110 mmHg but with 0-2 other risk factors. (Other risk factors include: 1) age: male > 55 years or female > 65 years; 2) smoking; 3) dyslipidemia: increased total cholesterol or LDL cholesterol; 4) diabetes; 5) family history of premature cardiovascular disease Wait. )

Non-drug treatment includes the following aspects: 1. Reasonable diet - reduce salt intake (<6g per day), reduce fat intake, eat potassium-rich fruits and vegetables (bananas, oranges, rapeseed, amaranth, mushrooms, jujube, etc.), and adequate amount of high-quality protein;

2. Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption - smoking will significantly increase the risk of hypertensive complications (such as stroke, myocardial infarction, etc.), and reduce or offset the efficacy of antihypertensive treatment, the cardiovascular benefits of smoking cessation after 1 year at any age It can be shown that abstinence and restriction of alcohol can significantly reduce blood pressure;

3. Moderate exercise and weight control - appropriate increase in physical activity (moderate walking, jogging, etc.) can reduce blood pressure by up to 11/6 mmHg in hypertensive patients, and 10% weight loss can reduce systolic blood pressure by 6.6 mmHg.

4. Maintain psychological balance - long-term mental stress is an important cause of hypertension and affects the efficacy of antihypertensive. Patients should take psychological counseling and actively participate in cultural, sports and social activities.

Drug therapy is suitable for high-risk hypertensive patients, that is, those with blood pressure ≥180/110mmHg, or with ≥3 risk factors, or those with heart, brain, kidney, blood vessel, and fundus diseases.

Drug dosage forms are divided into:

1. Short-acting drugs—fast onset, short duration, frequent doses, and large blood pressure fluctuations;

2. Long-acting drugs—sustained-release drugs have uniform efficacy and long maintenance time (some cannot be taken apart), and controlled-release drugs are released evenly, have a long maintenance time, and cannot be taken apart.

Commonly used drugs are:

1. Diuretics: hydrochloride (hydrochlorothiazide), Shoubishan (indapamide), spironolactone (spironolactone), furosemide (furosemide)

2. Beta-blockers: Betaloc (Metoprolol), Kangxin or Bosu (Bisoprolol Fumarate)

3. Calcium channel blockers: [1] 'Dipine' categories: ①Baixintong (nifedipine), Norvox (amlodipine besylate), polidin (felodipine), lorazepine (Lasidipine), etc.; [2] Verapamil (verapamil hydrochloride) [3] Hexinshuang (diltiazem hydrochloride)

4.ACEI ('Puri' class): captopril (captopril), luodingxin (benazepril hydrochloride), mononol (fosinopril sodium), astra (perindopril) )

5. ARBs (‘sartans’): Cozaia (losartan potassium), Diovan (valsartan), Ambovi (irbesartan)

6. Others: α and β receptor blockers: Daliquan (carvedilol), α receptor blockers: Gotrane (terazosin hydrochloride); fixed compound preparation: Beijing Jiangya No. 0 , Compound antihypertensive tablets, etc.

Principles of drug application:

1. Most patients can start treatment with one drug;

2. Start with a small dose and gradually increase the dose;

3. It is not advisable to change the medicine frequently;

4. It is not advisable to reduce or stop the medicine at will;

5. In long-term treatment, a drug taken once a day is better than a drug that needs to be taken multiple times a day;

6. More than half of the patients require combined medication.

monograph on drugs

  1. diuretics

Applicable: elderly simple systolic hypertension, obesity, heart failure;

Contraindicated: gout, hyperuricemia;

Use with caution: abnormal serum potassium, renal insufficiency;

  2. beta-blockers

Applicable: Fast heart rate, especially with tachyarrhythmia; with coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction.

Contraindicated: Bronchial asthma, heart block, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, peripheral vascular disease.

3. calcium channel blockers

[Dipines]—reliable and stable curative effect, suitable for: hypertension of various degrees, the elderly, with coronary heart disease angina pectoris, peripheral vascular disease, pregnancy, with kidney damage;

Adverse reactions: headache, facial flushing, ankle edema, gingival hyperplasia.

Verapamil (verapamil hydrochloride) or Hexinshuang (diltiazem hydrochloride) have good blood pressure lowering effect, but they have side effects such as inhibition of conduction system and constipation.

4. ACEI (Puri) class, with target organ protection.

Applicable to: left ventricular hypertrophy, myocardial infarction, cardiac insufficiency, mild renal damage patients.

Adverse reactions: dry cough (incidence 3%-22%), increased serum potassium, edema, rash, dysgeusia;

Contraindicated: severe renal failure, pregnancy, hyperkalemia, bilateral renal artery stenosis;

5. ARB (Sartan) class

Applicable: Same as ACEI, dry cough occurs less frequently, and Kesuya still has the effect of lowering uric acid;

Adverse reactions: the same as ACEI, other individual patients have abnormal liver function or myalgia;

6.1) Alpha-blockers:

Applicable to: patients with hyperlipidemia or prostatic hypertrophy

Adverse reactions: first-dose orthostatic hypotension, nasal congestion, fatigue;

2) Compound preparations (Beijing Jiangya No. 0, Compound Jiangya Tablets)

Adverse reactions: slow heart rate, depression, ulcers.

The benefits of combination therapy are: 1. Increase the rate of blood pressure control compliance; 2. Reduce the dosage of each drug, reduce the chance of adverse reactions; 3. Learn from each other's strengths to make up for the shortcomings of each drug, while making up for its shortcomings.

How to rationally combine medication?

  1. Diuretic-based combination therapy

- Diuretics in combination with ACEIs or ARBs

- Concomitant use of diuretics and beta-blockers

- Concomitant use of diuretics and calcium antagonists

  2. Calcium antagonist-based combination therapy

- Calcium antagonists combined with ACEI or ARB

- Combination of calcium antagonists and beta-blockers

- Combination of calcium antagonists and diuretics

Precautions for medication of various patients:

Elderly patients 1. It is not advisable to use too many types of medication, so as not to increase the burden on the liver and kidneys, and closely monitor the liver and kidney functions during the medication. 2. Pay attention to the interaction between drugs for different diseases, and avoid repeated or inappropriate use of drugs; 3. The blood pressure should not drop too fast, and the amplitude should not be too large, so as to avoid insufficient blood supply to organs, especially the brain.

Diabetic patients: The target blood pressure is below 130/80mmHg, and reaching the target blood pressure can reduce the total mortality and the incidence of cardiovascular events by more than 50%-60%.

Benefits of ACEI or ARB in diabetic patients:

It can not only effectively lower blood pressure, but also protect target organs. It has a good effect on left ventricular hypertrophy, myocardial infarction, cardiac insufficiency and delaying renal damage. It has no effect on glucose and lipid metabolism, and can significantly reduce microalbuminuria.

Notes on medication for patients with renal insufficiency: 1. Use long-acting preparations as much as possible to achieve the purpose of stable blood pressure; 2. Antihypertensive target: without affecting renal blood perfusion, when the urine protein is >1.0g/d, the target blood pressure is below 125/75 mmHg, and the target blood pressure is below 130/80 mmHg for those with urine protein <1.0g/d.

Notes on medication for stroke patients: 1. In the acute stage, if the blood pressure of the patient is > 180/105mmHg, blood pressure should be lowered, and the goal is to control the blood pressure at the level of 160-180/90-105mmHg within 1 week; 2. Usually the blood pressure target is <150/100mmHg. Because the blood pressure is too fast or excessive, the cerebral blood perfusion will be significantly reduced, thereby aggravating brain dysfunction.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

5 activities can likewise decrease circulatory strain. Non-drug treatment for hypertensive patients.

5 activities can likewise decrease circulatory strain. Non-drug treatment for hypertensive patients.

Obviously, hypertension is quite possibly the most widely recognized persistent infection. At the point when it happens, the common clinical side effects remember deadness and briskness for hands and feet, unsteadiness, actual shortcoming, etc.

The justification for this outcome is that the nonstop expansion in pulse influences the bloodstream. Right now, to assuage, you should bring down the pulse in a designated way.

The method for bringing down pulse isn't just to consume antihypertensive medications, yet addition to doing the accompanying 5 activities, which can likewise accomplish ideal outcomes.

1. Go for a stroll

For individuals with hypertension, it isn't appropriate to do the too demanding activity, in any case, the circulatory strain will keep on fluctuating, so it is prescribed to take a stab at strolling, not just the general setting prerequisites are not high, but rather likewise individuals, everything being equal, can do.

Specifically, moderate exercise for 30 minutes after eating can elevate blood flow to consume some energy, widen veins, and further develop circulatory strain.

2. Swimming

As well as strolling, swimming is additionally an optimal decision, and it is more appropriate for moderately aged and old individuals since while swimming, the entire body floats on the water and doesn't carry unnecessary strain to the appendages.

Not just that, swimming requires the interest of all pieces of the body, which can not just advance blood dissemination, opportune convey supplements and blood to the pieces of the human body, yet additionally help to improve cardiopulmonary capacity and expand veins.

3. Do Tai Chi

Judo is a moderately delicate exercise. Even though it doesn't consume an excessive amount of actual strength, it can loosen up veins and muscles during exercise, and elevate pulse to drop.

Notwithstanding, while rehearsing Tai Chi, you should take out all diverting contemplations and concentrate your considerations, to wipe out apprehensive feelings, forestall excitement to the cerebrum, and at last work on the issue of pulse awkwardness.

4. Running

Running is likewise an activity strategy reasonable for individuals with hypertension. Albeit how much exercise is marginally bigger than strolling, it is more advantageous for more youthful patients with less serious hypertension.

Since demanding running can not just upgrade the capacity of the stomach-related framework, yet additionally extend the veins, so the bloodstream is smoother and circulatory strain can be really gotten to the next level.

Specifically, large individuals who demand practicing can likewise consume an abundance of calories and fat and control their weight.

5. Tumbling

Assuming you observe indications of expanded circulatory strain, you might wish to do heart stimulating exercise, since heart stimulating exercise is lower in power than different games, and the developments are somewhat straightforward, which is more appropriate for more established hypertensive patients.

Be that as it may, you should control the force during the cycle, to assist with loosening up the muscles and bones, advance flow, and forestall joint wear.

All things considered, hypertension is to be sure a generally normal persistent illness, and it won't cause a lot of effect on the soundness of patients for the time being, which is the reason certain individuals don't focus on it.

In any case, hypertension is certifiably not an autonomous infection. In extreme cases, it might actually instigate entanglements like myocardial localized necrosis and stroke.

That is the reason, I trust everybody can join incredible significance to it. As well as effectively taking medication to bring down circulatory strain, you can likewise bring down pulse by doing the 5 activities referenced previously.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

How to control hypertensive renal damage?

 How to control hypertensive renal damage?

The leading cause of chronic kidney disease is diabetes, and the third factor is hypertension.

Therefore, the risk of uremia in the middle and late stage of hypertensive nephropathy is relatively high.

These two chronic diseases are very common. We know that long-term poor control of hypertension will cause more complications, and renal function injury is one of them.

Because the prevalence of hypertension is mostly the elderly, after renal injury, the glomerular filtration rate often decreases significantly, usually in stage 3 of nephropathy, so the treatment is more difficult than chronic nephritis.

However, the pathological type is relatively clear. The increase of intracranial pressure caused by the increase of blood pressure leads to the development of renal cell sclerosis.

Therefore, timely control of stable blood pressure and adherence to normal blood flow in the kidney can delay the deterioration of renal function and prevent the occurrence of uremia.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Can hypertensive antihypertensive drugs be stopped for a period of time?

Can hypertensive antihypertensive drugs be stopped for a period of time?

Antihypertensive drugs play a very important role in the treatment of hypertension. It is very important to control blood pressure safely for a long time. Generally speaking, once taking antihypertensive drugs, you should take them on time and do not eat intermittently, so as not to cause unstable blood pressure, which is not conducive to disease control, and even lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents in serious cases. Of course, there are no definite rules in the world. For some patients with hypertension under special circumstances, antihypertensive drugs can be stopped sometimes, but it is necessary to make a decision after evaluation by professional doctors.

The duration of our commonly used antihypertensive drugs ranges from a few hours to dozens of hours, but the longest is no more than one day. However, the blood pressure of patients with hypertension continues to rise, so they need to take it every day to safely control their blood pressure and reduce the occurrence of complications.

With regard to newly diagnosed patients with essential hypertension (especially young people with a strong mood), assuming that the blood pressure level is not high, and there are no underlying diseases such as diabetes and other cardiovascular risk factors, they can control their blood pressure level through lifestyle intervention and temporarily stop the use of antihypertensive drugs. However, some patients have elevated blood pressure due to clear diseases and other factors. After actively improving the treatment of basic diseases, their blood pressure can often recover normally or take medicine intermittently. At the same time, for some patients with cardiac insufficiency (especially the elderly), blood pressure tends to drop and even hypotension. At this time, the drug should be stopped.

Generally speaking, most patients with hypertension need to take antihypertensive drugs for a long time to stabilize their condition and reduce the incidence of complications. Patients with hypertension should also pay attention to low salt diet, quit smoking and limit alcohol, exercise properly, control weight, work according to rules, and adhere to a good attitude. We should pay attention to monitoring blood pressure changes, timely review, safely control blood pressure, and reduce the occurrence of complications of heart, brain, kidney and other organs.

Friday, November 12, 2021

What precautions do hypertensive patients take medicine?

 What precautions do hypertensive patients take medicine?

If you have high blood pressure, you can't decline only by improving your lifestyle; Or if the initial blood pressure is too high, secondary hypertension or above, you need to take antihypertensive drugs.

Medical research has proved that antihypertensive therapy is beneficial and compared with diseases such as hypertension. Its benefits far outweigh the damage of the disease to the body and the side effects of drugs. At present, the first-line antihypertensive drugs introduced clinically have significant effects and safety. For patients with hypertension, antihypertensive treatment can significantly reduce cardiovascular hazards and diseases, and the overall drug safety. Not to mention young hypertension, even hypertension in the elderly over the age of 80 can benefit from antihypertensive therapy.

Some patients have normal blood pressure after taking antihypertensive drugs and stop the drugs without authorization. However, after taking antihypertensive drugs, the blood pressure is normal, which is the effect of antihypertensive drugs. At this time, if you stop taking medicine, the antihypertensive effect will be gone. It is reasonable for your blood pressure to rise again. Only the patient has no symptoms and no feeling. In addition, he does not know the rise of blood pressure without measuring blood pressure. A few years later, the harm occurred. Therefore, if the blood pressure is normal, continue taking antihypertensive drugs.

If the blood pressure drops too low after taking the medicine, it can be reduced or even stopped. However, it must be carried out under the guidance of doctors.

Many risk factors of hypertension are related to bad lifestyle. Therefore, when some risk factors are manipulated, adverse lifestyles are improved, metabolic disorders are corrected, and blood pressure will drop to varying degrees. If blood pressure can be reduced to normal level and maintained, antihypertensive drugs can be discontinued.

The fluctuation of blood pressure is related to season and environmental factors. Due to different seasons and regional environment, the blood pressure level will also change. Antihypertensive drugs should be adjusted accordingly, reduced or stopped, but they should be carried out under the guidance of doctors.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Can hypertensive patients drink black tea?

 Can hypertensive patients drink black tea?

The answer is: Yes!

The key point is, don't drink too strong to prevent affecting the quality of sleep, poor rest and causing blood pressure fluctuation. And don't drink tea immediately after taking antihypertensive drugs.

Hypertension, can drink black tea, hypertension. In terms of diet, it is mainly to choose low salt and low-fat diet, quit smoking, limit alcohol and other measures. Drinking tea, whether black tea or green tea, has more tea polyphenols, which can remove free radicals in the body and help in the prevention and treatment of hypertension. And black tea can also help reduce blood lipids. Therefore, the incidence rate of atherosclerosis can be reduced. Therefore, patients with hypertension can drink black tea. In addition to paying attention to diet, hypertension also has more exercise. Through exercise to increase calorie consumption, control weight and prevent obesity, and then cooperate to diagnose and treat drugs, we can control blood pressure on an appropriate scale to prevent or reduce complications.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

There are four types of exclusive workouts for hypertensive people. Exercise can help lower blood pressure. This is correct!

 There are four types of exclusive workouts for hypertensive people. Exercise can help lower blood pressure. This is correct!

Hypertension is a frequent condition that has serious consequences for people's health. The number of hypertensive patients is rising on a daily basis, particularly in recent years. As a result, how to properly prevent and treat hypertension symptoms has become a major problem. In truth, there are several ways to lower blood pressure in our daily lives. There are numerous activities that can help patients with hypertension reach the goal of lowering blood pressure; however, which exercises are appropriate for patients with hypertension?

1. Walk

Walking is a basic activity, yet its antihypertensive benefit cannot be overlooked in hypertension patients.

There are four types of exclusive workouts for hypertensive people. Exercise can help lower blood pressure. This is correct!

A vast amount of statistical data shows that if people with hypertension can stick to long-term walking, their blood pressure drops dramatically, and many hypertension symptoms can be successfully treated.

When picking a walking time for individuals with hypertension, it is advisable to do it in the morning or evening. The walking duration is usually around 30 minutes. They can walk once or twice a day in this manner, and the walking speed can be changed according to their physical condition.

2. Jogging

Jogging provides more exercise than walking, making it a better choice for young hypertensive patients. If hypertensive individuals can insist on jogging for an extended period of time, their blood pressure may be gradually decreased, and all bodily functions will be improved.

There are four types of exclusive workouts for hypertensive people. Exercise can help lower blood pressure. This is correct!

The running pace of people with hypertension should not be too rapid when jogging, and the jogging time can be progressively increased. It is preferable to jog for around 20 minutes each time.

3. Cycling

Cycling is an excellent kind of exercise. It can increase a variety of bodily abilities, particularly the exercise influence on cardiopulmonary function. Cycling not only exercises the muscles and joints of the body and has a weight-loss impact, but it also has a very excellent antihypertensive effect for hypertensive individuals.

There are four types of exclusive workouts for hypertensive people. Exercise can help lower blood pressure. This is correct!

Riding may also help athletes train their brains and make their neurological systems more nimble, and the cycling period is usually half an hour to an hour.

4. Taijiquan(Tai Chi)

Tai Chi, a traditional Chinese martial art.

Taijiquan is another popular kind of exercise. It has the potential to significantly improve a variety of bodily processes. According to data, the average blood pressure of the elderly who frequently practice taijiquan is lower than that of the old who do not practice taijiquan.

There are four types of exclusive workouts for hypertensive people. Exercise can help lower blood pressure. This is correct!

Taijiquan can not only effectively prevent hypertension, but it is also a very good adjuvant treatment method for patients with hypertension during treatment, because while playing Taijiquan, not only is the movement soothing and smooth, but the patient's voice can be kept quiet, resulting in the effect of blood pressure stabilization.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

What is the best treatment for hypertensive patients to take? Three types of medications can effectively control hypertension.

What is the best treatment for hypertensive patients to take? Three types of medications can effectively control hypertension.

In clinic, hypertension is a prevalent systemic vascular disorder. The reasons are largely genetic, spiritual, and environmental in nature, resulting in headaches, dizziness, general exhaustion, and a reduction in quality of life. We must pay attention to hypertension, treat it as soon as it appears, and utilize therapeutic medications effectively to stabilize blood pressure and limit injury. Let's have a look at which medications can successfully treat hypertension.

1. Tablets containing indapamide. This medication is called indapamide, and it comes in the form of a tablet. It can modulate the calcium input of vascular smooth muscle cells once a day. Rational medication usage can diminish blood vessel sensitivity to vasopressin and prevent vasoconstriction. When it comes to lowering blood pressure, this medication has little influence on cardiac output and heart rate. It has been used for a long time, and the rate of glomerular filtration is rarely changed.

What is the best treatment for hypertensive patients to take? Three types of medications can effectively control hypertension.

2. Capsule containing arbitration. This is an antihypertensive medication. Patients can take it on an empty stomach or with meals. There is no need to change the dosage for individuals who have liver or renal failure or who are old. The medicine has no clear interactions with hydrochlorothiazide or nifedipine. Patients may have side effects such as headaches, dizziness, and palpitation. During pregnancy and nursing, women are not permitted to use this product.

3. Capsule of Qiliqiangxin This substance has the properties of supplementing Qi and warming Yang, increasing blood circulation and dredging collaterals, promoting water and detumescence, and promoting water and detumescence. It is useful in controlling the patient's blood pressure and can be used to treat coronary heart disease, hypertension, and other disorders. Each patient takes this medicine orally three times a day, as directed by their doctor. If the patient is also taking other treatments for heart failure, he cannot abruptly discontinue medication without the doctor's supervision.

What is the best treatment for hypertensive patients to take? Three types of medications can effectively control hypertension.

The three medications listed above have a clear curative impact on hypertension, reducing the patient's condition and effectively stabilizing blood pressure. Friends must pay attention to fluctuations in blood pressure as well as illness prevention. The diet is primarily light, and excessive activity is avoided. Once the disease's symptoms appear, treatment cannot be delayed. The rational use of antihypertensive medications can normalize blood pressure and reduce disease-related damage.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

What should hypertensive cerebral infarction diet pay attention to?Now can I drink milk every morning?

 What should hypertensive cerebral infarction diet pay attention to?

Hello, I'm not fat, but my blood pressure is about 150. Now can I drink milk every morning?

First of all, we should eat more coarse grains, coarse grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as some bean products, lean meat, fish, eggs, etc.

We must remember to eat less fat, such as animal fat, animal viscera, and some greasy food.

Eat less sugar, strong tea and coffee. In fact, it's not very good for stimulating food.

To achieve low salt and low fat.

Low salt means that the amount of salt must be controlled below six grams, and should be rich in vitamins, potassium and dietary fiber.

Moreover, edible oil does not exceed 25 grams a day.

You can eat 500g of fruits and vegetables a day or drink 250g of milk,

We must pay attention to some invisible salts, such as monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, etc. we must pay attention to them when using them, especially some pickled foods and pickles.

In conclusion, the diet of patients with hypertension is the same. Patients with hypertension should eat more coarse grains, coarse grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, bean products, lean meat, fish, chicken and other foods.

Eat less animal fat and greasy food, less sugar, strong tea, coffee and other irritant food, low salt, low fat, low calorie, rich in vitamins, potassium and dietary fiber, quit smoking and alcohol.

Diet should be moderate. Three meals a day should be regular and quantitative. Don't overeat. It's appropriate to eat at eight.

After high temperature with oil, molecular changes will occur and stick to blood vessels like paint, which will harden blood vessels and increase plaques. Over time, they will suffer from hypertension and coronary heart disease. So don't cook with high temperature oil, don't eat barbecue food with oil, bread, biscuits, barbecue, sausage, etc. Don't eat fried food. Smoking produces tar, and don't smoke. There are other reasons for illness, but this reason should be common and should be paid attention to!

Corn must meet her, her belly is thin, the three highs are gone, corn must meet hawthorn, her blood lipid is reduced, corn must meet lotus leaf, her belly is small, corn must meet Sophora japonica, her inflammation is gone, corn must meet burdock root edema is gone, corn must meet Cyclocarya, the three highs are reduced, when these kinds meet together, the whole person is better and starts brewing for five minutes, Take the place of tea every day, lose one circle of belly and quietly drop three heights.