Showing posts with label hypertensive patients. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hypertensive patients. Show all posts

Sunday, February 13, 2022

5 activities can likewise decrease circulatory strain. Non-drug treatment for hypertensive patients.

5 activities can likewise decrease circulatory strain. Non-drug treatment for hypertensive patients.

Obviously, hypertension is quite possibly the most widely recognized persistent infection. At the point when it happens, the common clinical side effects remember deadness and briskness for hands and feet, unsteadiness, actual shortcoming, etc.

The justification for this outcome is that the nonstop expansion in pulse influences the bloodstream. Right now, to assuage, you should bring down the pulse in a designated way.

The method for bringing down pulse isn't just to consume antihypertensive medications, yet addition to doing the accompanying 5 activities, which can likewise accomplish ideal outcomes.

1. Go for a stroll

For individuals with hypertension, it isn't appropriate to do the too demanding activity, in any case, the circulatory strain will keep on fluctuating, so it is prescribed to take a stab at strolling, not just the general setting prerequisites are not high, but rather likewise individuals, everything being equal, can do.

Specifically, moderate exercise for 30 minutes after eating can elevate blood flow to consume some energy, widen veins, and further develop circulatory strain.

2. Swimming

As well as strolling, swimming is additionally an optimal decision, and it is more appropriate for moderately aged and old individuals since while swimming, the entire body floats on the water and doesn't carry unnecessary strain to the appendages.

Not just that, swimming requires the interest of all pieces of the body, which can not just advance blood dissemination, opportune convey supplements and blood to the pieces of the human body, yet additionally help to improve cardiopulmonary capacity and expand veins.

3. Do Tai Chi

Judo is a moderately delicate exercise. Even though it doesn't consume an excessive amount of actual strength, it can loosen up veins and muscles during exercise, and elevate pulse to drop.

Notwithstanding, while rehearsing Tai Chi, you should take out all diverting contemplations and concentrate your considerations, to wipe out apprehensive feelings, forestall excitement to the cerebrum, and at last work on the issue of pulse awkwardness.

4. Running

Running is likewise an activity strategy reasonable for individuals with hypertension. Albeit how much exercise is marginally bigger than strolling, it is more advantageous for more youthful patients with less serious hypertension.

Since demanding running can not just upgrade the capacity of the stomach-related framework, yet additionally extend the veins, so the bloodstream is smoother and circulatory strain can be really gotten to the next level.

Specifically, large individuals who demand practicing can likewise consume an abundance of calories and fat and control their weight.

5. Tumbling

Assuming you observe indications of expanded circulatory strain, you might wish to do heart stimulating exercise, since heart stimulating exercise is lower in power than different games, and the developments are somewhat straightforward, which is more appropriate for more established hypertensive patients.

Be that as it may, you should control the force during the cycle, to assist with loosening up the muscles and bones, advance flow, and forestall joint wear.

All things considered, hypertension is to be sure a generally normal persistent illness, and it won't cause a lot of effect on the soundness of patients for the time being, which is the reason certain individuals don't focus on it.

In any case, hypertension is certifiably not an autonomous infection. In extreme cases, it might actually instigate entanglements like myocardial localized necrosis and stroke.

That is the reason, I trust everybody can join incredible significance to it. As well as effectively taking medication to bring down circulatory strain, you can likewise bring down pulse by doing the 5 activities referenced previously.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

How To Avoid Insomnia In Hypertensive Patients: 3 Tips to Get More Sleep

How To Avoid Insomnia In Hypertensive Patients: 3 Tips to Get More Sleep

Insomnia is a very common problem. It affects an estimated 50-70 million people in the US and Canada. Insomnia increases the risk for high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. This can create a vicious cycle where insomnia leads to poor sleep and then poor sleep leads to more insomniac episodes.

Here are 3 tips that can help you avoid insomnia and get more sleep:

1. Get enough quality sleep

2. Avoid stimulants before bedtime

3. Practice good sleep habits

Insomnia and Hypertension

Insomnia and hypertension are linked. In fact, people with insomnia are more than twice as likely to develop high blood pressure as those without insomnia.

It’s important to take this connection seriously. If you suffer from insomnia, talk to your doctor about your options for managing it. They may prescribe a medication that can help with sleep or offer suggestions about lifestyle changes that could help you sleep better.

If insomnia is left untreated, it can lead to larger health problems and chronic insomnia. This can lead to a vicious cycle of insomnia and poor sleep. If you suffer from insomnia, do what you can to get better sleep and avoid chronic insomnia.

Tips to Prevent Prescription Drug Abuse

1. Get enough quality sleep

The first tip for getting more sleep is to get enough quality sleep. Quality sleep is not just about quantity. Quality sleep is about getting enough of the right type of sleep.

This means your body will be able to release hormones like growth hormone and testosterone, which are needed for good energy levels, mood, and sexual function. It also helps with memory and brain function.

2. Avoid stimulants before bedtime

This tip can be difficult to follow, but it’s important to avoid stimulants like caffeine before bedtime. Caffeine has a half-life of 5-7 hours, which means that even if you drink coffee at noon, it will still affect your sleep at night.

3. Practice good sleep habits

Lastly, this tip is more general but can make a big difference. This tip is about practicing good sleep habits like not eating heavy meals before bedtime, not drinking alcohol before bedtime, and not watching TV in bed. These habits can all lead to poor sleep quality.

Tips to Improve Sleep Quality

1. Get Enough Quality Sleep

The first tip to avoid insomnia is to get enough quality sleep. Sleep is the foundation for good health. For example, it’s important for hormone regulation, immune function, and memory.

It’s recommended that adults get 7-9 hours of sleep every night. You should go to bed at the same time every night, and stay in bed if you’re awake for more than 20 minutes.

2. Avoid Stimulants Before Bedtime

The second tip to avoid insomnia is to avoid stimulants before bedtime. Stimulants like caffeine can interfere with sleep because they’re stimulating your nervous system. It takes an hour for these stimulants to wear off, so if you drink coffee in the morning, it will affect your sleep at night.

3. Practice Good Sleep Habits

The third tip to avoid insomnia is to practice good sleep habits. It can be difficult to fall asleep if you spend time watching TV or playing games on your phone before bed. Try reading a book instead to help you relax.

Good sleep habits include:

• Creating a relaxing bedtime routine

• Creating a nighttime routine

• Avoiding stimul

Maintain a regular bedtime

One of the most important tips is to maintain a regular bedtime. This means going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This will help regulate your sleep-wake cycle.

If you find it hard to get to sleep, try to avoid stimulants before bedtime, like caffeine. If you’re having trouble sleeping, make sure the bedroom is dark and quiet. A comfortable mattress and pillow can also help.

It can be difficult to break bad sleep habits, but it’s worth it in the long run. A good night’s sleep can improve your mood and energy levels. Consider these 3 tips to avoid insomnia and get more sleep.

Avoid stimulants before bedtime

You might be wondering, "Why can't I take my coffee before bed?" or "What about my nightly glass of wine?"

The problem is that caffeine and alcohol are stimulants. After your body metabolizes them, they will not leave your system for about 8 hours. This means that by the time you go to sleep, your body will still be feeling the effects of stimulants.

Insomnia is a common issue for people with hypertension. If you are struggling with hypertension, you know that it can be difficult to get a good night's sleep. Drinking caffeine or alcohol before bedtime will make it even more difficult to sleep.

You should avoid drinking caffeinated beverages or alcohol within 8 hours of bedtime. Instead, you should drink warm milk or chamomile tea before bedtime to help you relax.

Practice good sleep habits

A great way to avoid insomnia is to simply practice good sleep habits.

For example, make sure your bedroom is conducive to sleep. No TV, no computers, and no lights.

You also need to make sure your room is cool and dark. This will help you stay alert and awake during the day.

Other important habits include limiting caffeine intake and alcohol consumption.

If you're a smoker, it's a good idea to quit.

This may seem like a lot of work but these habits will help with your sleep and decrease your risk of insomnia.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

About hypertensive patients, does blood pressure really fall as low as possible?

 About hypertensive patients, does blood pressure really fall as low as possible?

The etiology of hypertension is "high prevalence rate", "high disability rate" and "high mortality rate", which is the main risk factor of various cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. High pressure (systolic blood pressure) 140mmHg and low pressure (diastolic blood pressure) 90mmHg are a line that hypertensive patients need to remember. It is not only the dividing line of hypertension diagnosis, but also the starting line of hypertension treatment, but also the standard line of hypertension control.

Antihypertensive therapy can reduce the risk of stroke by 40% - 50%, myocardial infarction by 15% - 30% and heart failure by more than 50%. However, in our clinical work, we often encounter some patients who expect to control their blood pressure at a low level. In fact, this concept is unscientific. Especially the elderly should pay more attention to the negative effects of low blood pressure.

1. For general patients with hypertension, the antihypertensive policy is to reduce blood pressure by at least 20 / 10mmhg, preferably < 140 / 90mmHg.

2, if swallowing diabetes, slow kidney disease, coronary heart disease, heart failure, it is best to control blood pressure below 130/80mmHg.

3. For patients younger than 65 years old, if they can tolerate the policy, the blood pressure can be controlled below 130 / 80mmHg, but it is better not to be lower than 120 / 70mmhg.

4. If patients over 65 years old can tolerate, the policy blood pressure should be less than 140 / 90mmHg, but individualized blood pressure policy should be set according to weakness, independent living and tolerability.

Because patients with hypertension in their later years tend to swallow arteriosclerosis, poor vascular compliance and increased pulse pressure difference (i.e. high systolic pressure and low diastolic pressure), and too low diastolic pressure will affect the blood supply of cerebral vessels, cause dizziness, fatigue or fall, and severe will lead to cerebral infarction. At this time, it is necessary to pay attention to that the diastolic pressure should not be too low, preferably not less than 60mmhg. Therefore, for patients with hypertension in their later years, especially those over 80 years old, it is a basic policy to reduce it to 150 / 90mmHg. If it can be tolerated, it can also be reduced to 140 / 90mmHg.

In general, the blood pressure control policy varies from person to person. Generally speaking, 140 / 90mmHg is the standard line. Do not treat hypertension by feeling. Be sure to take drugs under the guidance of doctors and measure your blood pressure regularly.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

What should hypertensive cerebral infarction diet pay attention to?Now can I drink milk every morning?

 What should hypertensive cerebral infarction diet pay attention to?

Hello, I'm not fat, but my blood pressure is about 150. Now can I drink milk every morning?

First of all, we should eat more coarse grains, coarse grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as some bean products, lean meat, fish, eggs, etc.

We must remember to eat less fat, such as animal fat, animal viscera, and some greasy food.

Eat less sugar, strong tea and coffee. In fact, it's not very good for stimulating food.

To achieve low salt and low fat.

Low salt means that the amount of salt must be controlled below six grams, and should be rich in vitamins, potassium and dietary fiber.

Moreover, edible oil does not exceed 25 grams a day.

You can eat 500g of fruits and vegetables a day or drink 250g of milk,

We must pay attention to some invisible salts, such as monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, etc. we must pay attention to them when using them, especially some pickled foods and pickles.

In conclusion, the diet of patients with hypertension is the same. Patients with hypertension should eat more coarse grains, coarse grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, bean products, lean meat, fish, chicken and other foods.

Eat less animal fat and greasy food, less sugar, strong tea, coffee and other irritant food, low salt, low fat, low calorie, rich in vitamins, potassium and dietary fiber, quit smoking and alcohol.

Diet should be moderate. Three meals a day should be regular and quantitative. Don't overeat. It's appropriate to eat at eight.

After high temperature with oil, molecular changes will occur and stick to blood vessels like paint, which will harden blood vessels and increase plaques. Over time, they will suffer from hypertension and coronary heart disease. So don't cook with high temperature oil, don't eat barbecue food with oil, bread, biscuits, barbecue, sausage, etc. Don't eat fried food. Smoking produces tar, and don't smoke. There are other reasons for illness, but this reason should be common and should be paid attention to!

Corn must meet her, her belly is thin, the three highs are gone, corn must meet hawthorn, her blood lipid is reduced, corn must meet lotus leaf, her belly is small, corn must meet Sophora japonica, her inflammation is gone, corn must meet burdock root edema is gone, corn must meet Cyclocarya, the three highs are reduced, when these kinds meet together, the whole person is better and starts brewing for five minutes, Take the place of tea every day, lose one circle of belly and quietly drop three heights.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Four things that hypertensive patients should pay attention to! High blood pressure should be done after meals and before going to bed!

 The four things that hypertensive patients are most afraid of, hypertension patients, on average, one in four adults has hypertension relief. Hypertension is very widespread, but some people disagree with hypertension, because higher blood pressure is higher. At one point, just take antihypertensive drugs on a regular basis, because high blood pressure does not have a big impact on your body. In fact, this is a completely wrong idea. High blood pressure itself is not terrible, but high blood pressure Complications are really terrible. High blood pressure can cause our retinopathy.

Coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction, renal insufficiency, high blood pressure, kidney disease, etc. A series of damages such as systolic blood pressure increased by 10 to 12 mmHg, drinking vegetables, height 5-6 mmHg, the risk of cerebral infarction? , It will increase by 35%-40%, and our risk of coronary heart disease will increase by 20%-25%. At the same time, it is not as simple as taking antihypertensive drugs for high blood pressure. Make a series of adjustments.

Today I specifically summarized the four things most feared by hypertensive patients in their daily lives. I dedicate them to everyone. I hope that it will be helpful to all hypertensive patients. The first thing that hypertension fears most is the research. After eating this kind of food with high salt content.

After only half an hour, the dilation function of our blood vessels will be significantly restricted, which can easily lead to impaired heart function. Moreover, long-term consumption of this kind of food with excessive salt content will obviously cause a further increase in blood pressure. High and cause cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction.

Therefore, hypertensive patients must control their consumption. Internationally, each person's daily salt intake is required to be less than six grams, but currently in China, each person's daily time intake is about 12.5 grams.

You must strictly control the amount of salt you eat, and try to eat less salty food.

The second thing that high blood pressure is most afraid of, when indoors is tired and staying up late, the blood flow will slow down, the blood will become thicker and staying up late, the body secretes norepinephrine and epinephrine will increase , Will promote vasoconstriction, these factors add up, it will greatly increase the incidence of cerebral infarction and coronary heart disease.

The third thing that high blood pressure is most afraid of is smoking. For smokers, a smoking history of more than ten years will significantly increase atherosclerosis. If you smoke for a long time, then its blood viscosity will also increase significantly. Therefore, if patients with hypertension continue to smoke for a long time, the risk of coronary heart disease and cerebral infarction will increase significantly. Because this kind of big fish, big meat, high-fat and high-sugar diet will cause a significant increase in blood lipids in our blood, hyperlipidemia will promote the formation of vascular plaques in the botanical garden, which will cause our cerebral infarction and the occurrence of coronary heart disease.

Therefore, patients with high blood pressure must eat lightly and avoid mixing oil.

The four things that hypertensive patients are most afraid of. At the same time, hypertensive patients must cultivate good living habits, do not do two things after meals and two before going to bed.

So, what is the two do not do it after a meal and do not do it before going to bed? Why do you do not do it after a meal and do not do it? Don’t smoke immediately after a meal. There is a saying that a cigarette after a meal is like a living god. .

In fact, this idiom often induces people to make mistakes. After eating, the blood flow rate in the digestive system will be obvious.

If you smoke another cigarette at this time, a large number of harmful components in the cigarette will accelerate into your bloodstream, harm your liver, and damage your brain and heart. Therefore, the so-called cigarette after a meal is actually better than Normally smoking is much more harmful. The second one is not to do it after a meal. It is not to go to bed immediately after a meal. Why do you say that?

Because after eating, the body's blood is concentrated in the digestive system at this time to help the digestive system and digest food. At this time, the blood supply to the brain is relatively lacking. At this time, when I go to bed, go to bed immediately. The body's metabolism is reduced, and the blood flow rate in the brain is even lower.

Therefore, the chance of cerebral infarction will increase at this time. I advise everyone not to be after meals. Go to bed immediately, this will greatly increase the chance of cerebral infarction.

The so-called two do not do before going to bed, the first one is not done, as long as it is before going to bed, then do not drink coffee, because after drinking coffee before going to bed, you will be severely excited, sympathetic nerves will affect the quality of sleep, and you will not fall asleep. At the same time, after the sympathetic nerve is excited, it will promote a further increase in blood pressure. After the blood pressure increases, it will increase the burden on the heart and induce cerebral infarction and coronary heart disease.

Therefore, the doctor suggested that everyone should not drink coffee or strong tea before going to bed.

The so-called not doing two before going to bed refers to not eating supper before going to bed and then going to bed. This principle is not to go to bed immediately after a meal. The principle is the same, because after eating supper before going to bed, a lot of blood is concentrated in In the gastrointestinal tract, the brain is hypoxic and ischemic at this time.

Then immediately enter a state of sleep. In fact, during sleep, it may induce the occurrence of brain herniation. Today, I specifically talked about the four things most feared by hypertensive patients. I hope it can be helpful to everyone. If you think the medical knowledge shared today is very helpful to you, please pay attention and forward it to help more hypertensive patients. Thank you.