Showing posts with label Home Remedies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Remedies. Show all posts

Sunday, January 16, 2022

How to Naturally Treat High Blood Pressure: 8 Natural Ways to Keep Your BP Low.

How to Naturally Treat High Blood Pressure: 8 Natural Ways to Keep Your BP Low.

High blood pressure, or hypertension, can be a serious, sometimes life-threatening condition. It is the most common of all cardiovascular diseases and it’s on the rise around the world. Fortunately, high blood pressure is completely treatable. Natural methods of treatment for this condition have been found to be just as effective as prescription medications. It’s hard to know which remedies are best for you without consulting a doctor or pharmacist on what medications you should avoid while taking natural treatments. Here are some ways to naturally treat high blood pressure that have been found to work well in many different cases.

Natural Ways to Treat High Blood Pressure

- Get enough sleep. Getting less than 6 hours of sleep, or more than 8 hours of sleep, can elevate your blood pressure.

- Eat a healthy diet. Eating foods high in sodium can put you at risk for hypertension. To lower the amount of sodium in your diet, try making fresh food instead of processed food, limit your salt intake to one teaspoon per day, and avoid fast food restaurants which often contain high levels of sodium.

- Exercise regularly. Exercising three times a week can reduce your risk for hypertension by as much as 65 percent. When you exercise, make sure to do aerobic activities like running or biking and weight lifting or strength training workouts at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes each time with at least 48 hours in between and drink plenty of water before and after.

- Reduce stress and anxiety levels. Stressful events like an argument or divorce has been shown to increase the risk for high blood pressure by as much as 50%. As hard as it is to do sometimes, try to take time out for yourself every day where you're not working or taking care of children to relax and de-stress from the stresses that come with life so that they don't contribute to raising your blood pressure.>>END

Herbal Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Many people feel better when they take herbal remedies, and the best part is that they are completely natural. Herbs can be used to treat a variety of ailments from headaches to high blood pressure.

Some herbs that have been found to be effective in lowering blood pressure include:

- Hawthorne: Hawthorne has been found to lower blood -pressure levels by as much as 10 percent. It works by dilating the vessels, which reduces tension on the walls of the artery and improves circulation.

- Garlic: Garlic has been shown to be more effective than placebos in reducing high blood pressure among people with mild hypertension. This herb also lowers bad cholesterol levels and increases good cholesterol levels while reducing inflammation in the body.

- Cayenne: Cayenne has been shown to be an effective treatment for high blood pressure and studies show it may halt early hardening of arteries among people with hypertension.

Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Stress is a major factor in high blood pressure. Stress has been found to increase blood pressure threefold. When you are feeling stressed, try some breathing exercises or meditation to calm down your mind and body.

Diet is also a big contributor to high blood pressure. There are many foods that contribute to hypertension, such as sugar and salt. Consuming an unhealthy diet will only make your condition worse, so it’s important that you cut back on these types of foods and eat more vegetables and whole grains instead.

Losing weight can also be a big factor in lowering your blood pressure. Excess weight puts stress on the heart and kidneys which can cause high blood pressure. If you need help losing weight, talk to your doctor about possible treatments like diet pills or surgery.

Diet and Exercise for High Blood Pressure

Your diet and exercise routine can make a huge difference in how your blood pressure responds to natural treatments. For some people, the weight they carry on their body is the source of their high blood pressure problem. When you lose weight, it can often decrease high blood pressure by relieving the stress on your arteries and veins.

Exercise is one of the best ways to lose weight and reduce high blood pressure. Increasing your physical activity levels not only will burn more calories but it will also help you lower your risk for heart disease and stroke. When you exercise, the heart muscle strengthens and enlarges which increases its ability to pump more blood at a time with less effort.

Diet has a major impact on hypertension as well. Studies have shown that people who eat a low-salt diet see decreases in their blood pressure of around 10 points over an eight-year period. And when they eat foods high in potassium such as bananas or avocados, they may see an additional drop of 5 points!

A Low-Salt Diet & Eating Healthy Fats

In many cases, a low-salt diet is a great way to naturally treat high blood pressure.

Salt can increase your blood pressure by causing your body to retain water. Too much salt also impacts the amount of sodium in your blood and that can lead to high blood pressure. So it's important to be aware of how much salt you're eating and make sure you're avoiding foods with added salt, like frozen dinners or canned soups, which are often very high in sodium.

Another natural method for treating high blood pressure is eating healthy fats.

Healthy fats from food sources like nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fish offer many benefits when it comes to treating high blood pressure. They can help lower LDL cholesterol levels and inflammation, which are both linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease including heart attack and stroke. Healthy fats also help promote muscle growth and provide energy-giving long-chain fatty acids for the mitochondria in cells, which is key for cellular function.

Getting Regular Exercise

Exercising is a natural way to lower blood pressure. The cardiovascular benefits of exercise are indisputable, and they can also help reduce muscle tension and stress levels.

Aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, running, swimming or cycling will lower your blood pressure. It’s important to make sure you get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity every week.

There are many misconceptions about what kinds of exercises are best for hypertension patients. Some people worry that working out might raise their blood pressure instead of lowering it since it causes the heart rate to rise. This is not always true because the heart is able to adapt quickly during exercise, preventing this from happening.


High blood pressure is a chronic medical condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is important that you monitor your blood pressure to ensure that it remains healthy. The best way to do this is by following a low-sodium diet, getting regular exercise, and making some other healthy lifestyle changes. But, if these methods are not enough, you may need to consult with your doctor for medication or other treatments.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally: 8 Effective Home Remedies.

How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally: 8 Effective Home Remedies.

If you have high blood pressure, you might be looking for ways to lower it. High blood pressure can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and other serious conditions. There are natural remedies that can help lower your blood pressure naturally. One way is by changing your diet to include foods that are high in potassium. You can also decrease your salt intake or eat more foods with magnesium or calcium. Here are some other natural remedies for lowering your blood pressure that will work for anyone.

Change your diet

Foods that are high in potassium, such as bananas, potatoes, and apricots can help lower your blood pressure. You can also eat more foods with magnesium or calcium.

Your doctor will likely recommend an eating plan that helps you control your blood pressure. This could include limiting sodium intake by avoiding processed or canned foods, eating a diet that's low in saturated fats, and eating a healthy variety of vegetables and fruits.

As you're looking for ways to improve your diet, remember to talk to your doctor before making any changes. They'll offer dietary advice based on your individual needs and situation. That way you can eat well and still meet your health goals!

Get plenty of exercise

Exercise is one of the most effective ways to lower blood pressure. It can help strengthen your heart, improve your mood, and reduce stress.

The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity every week. This is the same for people with high blood pressure.

But even if you don't have high blood pressure, exercise will still be good for you. It'll make you healthier and less likely to develop heart disease in the future. So whether you have high blood pressure or not, it's important to keep up a regular fitness routine.

If you're not sure where to start, try going out for a brisk walk three times a week or doing some simple stretching exercises at home on days when you're feeling tight and sore from sitting too long.

Maintain a healthy weight

Obesity is an important risk factor for high blood pressure. For people who are overweight or obese, higher levels of physical activity may help reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "being even slightly overweight can increase your blood pressure by up to 10 percent."

The CDC also says that weight loss in overweight and obese people with high blood pressure may result in reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressures.

Drink plenty of water

One of the easiest ways to manage your high blood pressure is by simply drinking more water. You should drink eight glasses of water every day.

You don't have to drink it all at once, but if you can try to drink at least two glasses of water during the course of the day, you'll be better off. Drinking plenty of water will help you lower your blood pressure because it keeps your body hydrated and lowers your risk for kidney stones, which can cause high blood pressure.

Water will also help keep you full if you're trying to lose weight, which is another way to lower your blood pressure.

Avoid alcohol and tobacco products

Many people drink alcohol and smoke tobacco products on a regular basis. It's important to stop doing this as these substances will raise your blood pressure and increase the risk of high blood pressure.

Reduce stress

Stress is a major factor in high blood pressure. Try to find ways to reduce your daily stress level, such as by getting more sleep or practicing deep breathing exercises. Yoga is another great way you can reduce your stress and increase your flexibility.

Sleep well

Sleep is one of the key factors in lowering your blood pressure. You should aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.