Showing posts with label prescription. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prescription. Show all posts

Friday, November 19, 2021

Cure is to save people, is the curative effect, the prescription can not cure the disease, so what's the use?

 26 years ago, when I exchanged a pot of tea for a prescription for hypertension from an old professor, I suddenly found that traditional Chinese medicine was dying out in this way.

At that time, in order to make the location of my hospital better, I was going to find a place in the city, which was not only convenient for seeing doctors, but also convenient for patients. I did something else and came to see a doctor instead of coming here as before.

But the rent in the central area was too high, so I could only find a house in some places in the suburbs. At that time, the best intelligence work was not the intermediary, but the uncles and aunts who walked and talked in the community every day.

So I broke into them on the grounds of telling them about traditional Chinese medicine. They said that there was an old professor nearby who was a medical university. He had a prescription for high blood pressure, which was very easy to use.

We should know that it was time for the vigorous development of Western medicine at that time. It was man-made, and hypertension could not be cured. However, I was a traditional Chinese medicine, and there were many clinical examples of conditioning and recovery of mediocre traditional Chinese medicine.

So I went to visit the old professor, but how could people pay attention to me? After knowing my intention, he drove me out directly. In this way, I closed the door several times.

But I really wanted to know the prescription, so I went to inquire about the old professor's preferences. The old man said he liked drinking tea, so I went to buy his favorite Longjing. He liked playing chess. I specially played chess with him every morning after work.

But I didn't mention a word about the prescription. In this way, we became familiar with it slowly. The latter two had little chance to go because my hospital was completed and time was tight.

One afternoon, I was sorting out the medical records. The old professor came in and said to me, "I thought about it and wanted to give you the prescription. I think what you said is reasonable. It's many times better to use it on the patient than to eat ash where I eat it. It's also a good thing."

Just after a while, a patient with hypertension came to me and said, "I'm dizzy, my blood pressure is high, and I can't hold down the antihypertensive drugs. Show me if there's any way."

According to his situation, I judge that he is the secondary hypertension caused by the acquired living habits and diet. In fact, there is no hypertension in traditional Chinese medicine, which belongs to the category of vertigo in traditional Chinese medicine.

Hypertension is also divided into two types. One is hereditary or congenital essential hypertension, which can only be alleviated and the cure rate is relatively low;

The second is the acquired secondary hypertension, which is the hypertension caused by the acquired living habits and diet, which can be cured to a great extent.

So I added and subtracted the prescription and let him take it for a week.

Prescription: Codonopsis pilosula, raw Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, white peony, Sichuan cooked aconite, mulberry parasitism, dog ridge (cannon), keel (dozen), Eucommia ulmoides, oyster (dozen).

The patient was dizzy and had high blood pressure, but his pulse was heavy and thin, which was an obvious image of Yang deficiency and Yin excess. His tongue was not red, his body was fat, his limbs felt swollen and heavy, sleepy and weak, and his urination frequency was frequent.

According to my syndrome differentiation, it is Yang deficiency and dampness. Many people think that hypertension is a hyperactivity disease, so we should use the agent of clearing heat and bitter cold. In the case of this patient, if the agent of bitter cold is used, it will only damage the true Yang and aggravate the disease.

Therefore, I removed Astragalus membranaceus from the original prescription and added aconite to warm and tonify kidney yang and eliminate water dampness; There are white peony nourishing Yin, Atractylodes macrocephala invigorating spleen and Qi, dangshen tonifying vitality, mulberry parasitism, dog ridge, keel, Eucommia ulmoides, oysters clearing heat and tonifying liver and kidney, five internal organs harmonizing, Qi machine rising and falling orderly, and blood pressure will return to normal.

In fact, the increase of blood pressure is due to insufficient or blocked blood supply in some parts of the body, resulting in the inability of blood to nourish. At this time, the heart will beat faster to allow the blood flow to reach here, resulting in the increase of overall blood pressure.

The function of antihypertensive drugs is to expand blood vessels and give the heart a false signal, so that the heart feels that there is blood nourishment in the ischemic place, so it will relapse after stopping the drugs. Hypertension is actually a self-help in the body.

Many people say that you can only reuse other people's prescriptions. It's no big deal. In fact, there are many people who can prescribe prescriptions in traditional Chinese medicine, but not many who can really use them.

The purpose of prescribing medicine is to cure diseases, to save people, and to achieve curative effect. You talk about how powerful you are, but what's the use of prescribing prescriptions that can't cure diseases?

Just like today's medical school graduates, they can also prescribe a lot of prescriptions according to the ministers and envoys, but they can't cure their diseases. The demise of traditional Chinese medicine is not because there is no good prescription or good medicine, but because these things can not be inherited.

You think some good prescriptions are either handed down from generation to generation, or brought into the coffin after death. There are really folk prescriptions, and no one can use them. For example, we all know some prescriptions recorded in typhoid fever and Huang Jing, but how many can be used?