Showing posts with label blood pressure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blood pressure. Show all posts

Thursday, November 4, 2021

The body sends these three signals to tell you that your blood pressure is higher than normal!

 The body sends these three signals to tell you that your blood pressure is higher than normal!

1. Migraine

Many conditions can induce headaches, but hypertension-related headaches are characterized by flatulence or dull pain. When blood pressure rises, some individuals experience nausea and vomiting as a result of vasoconstriction.

2. synchronicity

High blood pressure causes the brain to be impacted by external stimuli, resulting in the sensation of dizziness. Furthermore, dizziness will occur if cerebral blood vessels are injured and obstructed, resulting in a loss of cerebral blood flow.

3. Physical immobility

If the limbs are rigid, paralyzed, silent, or walking is unsteady, these are signs of hemiplegia that must be monitored. When a cardiac cerebral infarction develops, it may be caused by a shortage of blood flow to the cerebral arteries.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

What to do with high blood pressure? If you want to keep your blood pressure stable, keep in mind seven don't do it!

 Hypertension is very common, although it is not a serious disease, but if you don’t need to pay attention, it is prone to instability of blood pressure and cause some other things. Then, there are seven reasons for high blood pressure.

Middle-aged and elderly people need to pay attention

First, don’t control your blood pressure by intuition. If you feel high blood pressure, you don’t feel dizzy, feel uncomfortable, etc., don’t care if you are unwell. If you don’t control it well, it will damage a lot of blood vessels and organs, leading to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, abnormal renal function, etc. If you control your symptoms when symptoms appear, you may miss the best time to control high blood pressure. .

Second, don’t just take medicine and not measure blood pressure, or that blood pressure is only measured once a day. This view is also wrong, because people’s blood pressure is replenishing at any time. This is especially true for patients with high blood pressure. Some people have high blood pressure in the morning, and some people have high blood pressure at night, and the changes are quite large. Therefore, it is recommended that you buy a blood pressure monitor yourself, make a monitoring record at home, and then give the doctor based on the results of the blood pressure monitoring Provide reference and adjust people's medication.

Third, don’t stop the medication at will. Some friends think that the blood pressure control is quite good these days, so you can stop the medication, and then take antihypertensive drugs when it is high. This is also wrong. For primary hypertension At present, there is no cure, only relief. Normal blood pressure can only mean that you have been under good control recently. It does not mean that you have been cured. If you stop the medication at will, your blood pressure may rebound. Then there will be some other things, so don't just stop taking the medicine by yourself. Even if the medicine needs to be reduced, it needs to be reduced under the guidance of a professional doctor.

Fourth, don’t push feces too hard, then people who are middle-aged and elderly friends will have reduced gastrointestinal function and are prone to constipation.

Then, some friends use force to poop. If you use too much force, it is easy to cause heartbeat, blood pressure, and other things. Patients with high blood pressure usually need to pay more attention to eating more vegetables, fruits, and crude fiber. If they are really constipated If it is, it can also be treated with medicine and laxative.

Fifth, don’t get up too hard. For example, when people get up in the morning, or squat for a long time, then you should wake up slowly, sit for a while before getting up. If you suddenly stand up, it is easy to cause blood pressure fluctuations. , Or postural hypotension, causing dizziness and other discomfort.

Sixth, don't get emotional, get angry or irritable. If you have high blood pressure, you must have a calm mentality. Don't get angry easily, quarrel with others or argue fiercely, which can easily cause a sharp rise in blood pressure and cause a series of other things.

What are the signs and symptoms of pregnancy-related hypertension?

Seventh, don’t give up on yourself. Some friends think that high blood pressure is hereditary. Their grandparents, parents, and parents all have high blood pressure. Even some elders died because of high blood pressure, so they don’t think anything is useful.

Sooner or later, we will be planted on this disease. This idea is unscientific. With the advancement of people’s medicine, combined with our healthy lifestyle, eating less salt, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, exercising properly, there are many ways to relieve people’s mental stress. It can relieve high blood pressure, so everyone must have faith and must control high blood pressure.

For patients with high blood pressure, pay attention to the 5 types of ingredients and eat less! The whole sentence of intelligent original doctor's warning: eating too much sad, brain, kidney

 Patients should eat less food. Now they have a better understanding of this issue. Let me briefly talk about it today. Hypertensive patients only need to control their blood pressure. In fact, there is no difference between ordinary people. They can eat everything, but they are living. It does contain some ingredients, we must pay special attention to it, and give us a few types of introduction.

In the first category, it is recommended that we eat less high-salt ingredients. Because of high blood pressure, most of them are salt-sensitive hypertension. In fact, it is the correlation between high blood pressure and salt. In particular, eat less salt and eat less high-salt. Ingredients, such as ah,

When cooking at home, put less salt and eat less salt-rich ingredients, such as instant noodles, including take-out meals, etc. In this case, blood pressure control is very, very good, but the final reminder is that for some, for example, people with orthostatic low blood pressure and outdoor sports, sweating a lot, can eat more salt moderately. This is not equivalent to ordinary people, but if you are all day long. Ordinary people who do not fall into this category,

I suggest that now we still have to manipulate the time. When we are finished, we have to talk about alcohol. In fact, the reason why many friends with high blood pressure around me have high blood pressure.

Because of drinking, I often go out to socialize and eat. The food in the restaurant and drinking will gradually increase blood pressure. For these people, it is recommended that we quit drinking and do not drink. If we have to drink, we also control the amount, do not exceed one or two beers for white wine, do not exceed one can of red wine, and do not exceed two or two.

In this way, it is relatively acceptable to the body. This is the recommended dosage of the hypertension guide. After talking about this wine, we should recommend that we eat less. We are especially inconspicuous. The ingredients that we have not noticed are trans. Fat, in fact, there are a lot of trans fats nowadays. Go to the supermarket to buy a lot of foods that contain artificial vegetable oils. Artificial butter, hydrogenated vegetable oils, and non-dairy creams are all trans fats. Why should I eat less of this? ?

Due to high blood pressure itself.

If cerebrovascular diseases appear, if you add this trans-fat stubbornness, the risk of cardiovascular disease will increase significantly. Therefore, for the majority of hypertensive patients, eat less foods containing trans-fats.


For the fourth one, I suggest that we eat less high-sugar ingredients or drink less sugary drinks. After eating these high-sugar ingredients or sugary drinks, his sugar toxicity is actually easy to increase. High blood sugar makes it easy for people to become obese. After obesity, they are more likely to have high blood pressure. Many people, in fact, high blood pressure is caused by eating too much sugar, including sugary drinks. Drinking too much is caused. You must manipulate sugary drinks. Contains high-sugar ingredients.

Because sometimes after this kind of blood sugar rises, sugar toxicity will bring read-only, not only blood pressure, but also blood lipids. So, Dr. Zhang suggested that these friends with high blood pressure, let’s try to reduce them as much as possible. Don't drink sugary drinks if you eat high-sugar ingredients. Sugar-free drinks are not good either. Drinking water is the best option.

It is recommended that you eat less of this high-fat food. Hey, this high-fat food includes high fat, high cholesterol, saturated fatty acid and cholesterol. After eating too much, it is not good. Why, because patients with high blood pressure have high After blood lipids, this one plus one is greater than two hazards, which is particularly prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, if you say that your blood pressure is already high, you should pay attention to your blood lipids, and be careful not to use this big hot pot or pork head all day long. These must be in moderation. It does not mean that you can't eat, but you can't eat more. After eating more, the blood lipids are abnormal, and the blood pressure is high, which is too harmful. 

The last one is that everyone should eat less of this high-drifting food, because high-drifting foods, such as seafood, after eating too many animal organs, uric acid is easy to rise, uric acid is high for a long time, everyone knows gout. In fact, if you say it is high, patients with blood pressure have long-term high uric acid, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. In fact, in addition to these dietary taboos, there are many needs. Everyone should pay attention to points, such as high blood pressure. friend.

Try to eat foods with high potassium content, fresh vegetables, fruits, and eat more in moderation. At the same time, for example, some soy products, like some coarse grains, you can eat more in moderation, etc., There are still many related attentions in this respect, just to mention that if our blood pressure is high, we must moderate the bad foods just mentioned, and it is better not to drink alcohol. I hope it can help with blood pressure today. Friends who have already had problems, friends with blood pressure problems, if everyone feels good, pay attention to the collection, you can also forward it to relatives and friends around you to care about your health.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

The human body's mystery: in two minutes, I'll explain the basis of high blood pressure to you!

The human body's mystery: in two minutes, I'll explain the basis of high blood pressure to you!

A quick increase in blood pressure may not cause bodily harm for a short time, but it will create long-term damage to our heart, brain, kidneys, blood vessels, and retina. It can cause myocardial hypertrophy, arrhythmia, and even heart failure; it can cause cerebral arteriosclerosis, which can lead to cerebral hemorrhage or infarction; it can cause kidney damage and even uremia; it can cause retinal arteriosclerosis and retinal hemorrhage; and it can cause retinal hemorrhage. Alternatively, ooze.

Hello there, everyone. Hypertension is my given name. When blood travels through blood vessels, it exerts lateral pressure on the blood channel walls. This is referred to as blood pressure. When this pressure rises too high, high blood pressure develops.

What to do with high blood pressure?

Blood vessels in the human body are smooth and elastic when they are normal and healthy. High blood pressure puts additional strain on the blood vessel wall. Consider what occurs when a rubber tube is stretched and stretched for an extended period of time.

The initial elastic blood vessel wall stiffens, hardens, and even cracks. Once a fracture forms, the blood vessel wall is no longer smooth, and a considerable number of blood components become trapped in the fissure. To some extent, they build up higher and higher. Atherosclerosis is a blockage of the wall. When atherosclerosis develops, it is analogous to thesupplys of a rubber tube. It can't cushion the pressure as well as it used to, and the blood pressure rises, perhaps causing blood vessel rupture and hemorrhage. The initial stage in our body is to lower our blood pressure. Its purpose is to cleanse blood vessels.

Because there are no blood arteries in the body, the dangers of high blood pressure are significantly greater. The blood arteries in thebrain are brittlee and thin, resulting in cerebral bleeding. Cerebral infarction, often known as stroke, causes the blood in the blood vessels in the eyes to harden. Breaking through the blood vessels can result in hemorrhage in the fundus of the eye, loss of vision, and even blood vessels in the hands and feet are impacted, as might a lack of blood flow.

Pain does not make it strong, even if it does give it a slope form. What is more concerning is the permanent hardening of blood arteries. When the hardened coronary arteries fail to provide adequate blood to the myocardial one day, the myocardium will experience ischemia symptoms. This is called angina pectoris. Furthermore, the heart muscle cannot get enough blood to keep the heart pumping, the heart cannot pump enough blood, and the entire body cannot function normally. Mental failure is unavoidable. I want to shout here, but I don't want to. You sent a powerful alcoholic, smoker, lazy, and hungry ghost to attack me; how can I be a weak person to overcome it?

How to treat people with high blood pressure to get better results? 4 ways to regulate high blood pressure

I'll let you in on a little secret: my class is a blood pressure monitor and a weight scale. As a result, if you haven't already had high blood pressure, please avoid a high-salt, high-fat diet, increase your activity, and take safeguards. Those who have already experienced high blood pressure should follow the rules. The doctor plans, actively participates in the modification of living habits, and, when necessary, regulates with medications. ​​