Showing posts with label hypertension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hypertension. Show all posts

Sunday, October 24, 2021

What to do with high blood pressure? If you want to keep your blood pressure stable, keep in mind seven don't do it!

 Hypertension is very common, although it is not a serious disease, but if you don’t need to pay attention, it is prone to instability of blood pressure and cause some other things. Then, there are seven reasons for high blood pressure.

Middle-aged and elderly people need to pay attention

First, don’t control your blood pressure by intuition. If you feel high blood pressure, you don’t feel dizzy, feel uncomfortable, etc., don’t care if you are unwell. If you don’t control it well, it will damage a lot of blood vessels and organs, leading to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, abnormal renal function, etc. If you control your symptoms when symptoms appear, you may miss the best time to control high blood pressure. .

Second, don’t just take medicine and not measure blood pressure, or that blood pressure is only measured once a day. This view is also wrong, because people’s blood pressure is replenishing at any time. This is especially true for patients with high blood pressure. Some people have high blood pressure in the morning, and some people have high blood pressure at night, and the changes are quite large. Therefore, it is recommended that you buy a blood pressure monitor yourself, make a monitoring record at home, and then give the doctor based on the results of the blood pressure monitoring Provide reference and adjust people's medication.

Third, don’t stop the medication at will. Some friends think that the blood pressure control is quite good these days, so you can stop the medication, and then take antihypertensive drugs when it is high. This is also wrong. For primary hypertension At present, there is no cure, only relief. Normal blood pressure can only mean that you have been under good control recently. It does not mean that you have been cured. If you stop the medication at will, your blood pressure may rebound. Then there will be some other things, so don't just stop taking the medicine by yourself. Even if the medicine needs to be reduced, it needs to be reduced under the guidance of a professional doctor.

Fourth, don’t push feces too hard, then people who are middle-aged and elderly friends will have reduced gastrointestinal function and are prone to constipation.

Then, some friends use force to poop. If you use too much force, it is easy to cause heartbeat, blood pressure, and other things. Patients with high blood pressure usually need to pay more attention to eating more vegetables, fruits, and crude fiber. If they are really constipated If it is, it can also be treated with medicine and laxative.

Fifth, don’t get up too hard. For example, when people get up in the morning, or squat for a long time, then you should wake up slowly, sit for a while before getting up. If you suddenly stand up, it is easy to cause blood pressure fluctuations. , Or postural hypotension, causing dizziness and other discomfort.

Sixth, don't get emotional, get angry or irritable. If you have high blood pressure, you must have a calm mentality. Don't get angry easily, quarrel with others or argue fiercely, which can easily cause a sharp rise in blood pressure and cause a series of other things.

What are the signs and symptoms of pregnancy-related hypertension?

Seventh, don’t give up on yourself. Some friends think that high blood pressure is hereditary. Their grandparents, parents, and parents all have high blood pressure. Even some elders died because of high blood pressure, so they don’t think anything is useful.

Sooner or later, we will be planted on this disease. This idea is unscientific. With the advancement of people’s medicine, combined with our healthy lifestyle, eating less salt, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, exercising properly, there are many ways to relieve people’s mental stress. It can relieve high blood pressure, so everyone must have faith and must control high blood pressure.

Four things that hypertensive patients should pay attention to! High blood pressure should be done after meals and before going to bed!

 The four things that hypertensive patients are most afraid of, hypertension patients, on average, one in four adults has hypertension relief. Hypertension is very widespread, but some people disagree with hypertension, because higher blood pressure is higher. At one point, just take antihypertensive drugs on a regular basis, because high blood pressure does not have a big impact on your body. In fact, this is a completely wrong idea. High blood pressure itself is not terrible, but high blood pressure Complications are really terrible. High blood pressure can cause our retinopathy.

Coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction, renal insufficiency, high blood pressure, kidney disease, etc. A series of damages such as systolic blood pressure increased by 10 to 12 mmHg, drinking vegetables, height 5-6 mmHg, the risk of cerebral infarction? , It will increase by 35%-40%, and our risk of coronary heart disease will increase by 20%-25%. At the same time, it is not as simple as taking antihypertensive drugs for high blood pressure. Make a series of adjustments.

Today I specifically summarized the four things most feared by hypertensive patients in their daily lives. I dedicate them to everyone. I hope that it will be helpful to all hypertensive patients. The first thing that hypertension fears most is the research. After eating this kind of food with high salt content.

After only half an hour, the dilation function of our blood vessels will be significantly restricted, which can easily lead to impaired heart function. Moreover, long-term consumption of this kind of food with excessive salt content will obviously cause a further increase in blood pressure. High and cause cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction.

Therefore, hypertensive patients must control their consumption. Internationally, each person's daily salt intake is required to be less than six grams, but currently in China, each person's daily time intake is about 12.5 grams.

You must strictly control the amount of salt you eat, and try to eat less salty food.

The second thing that high blood pressure is most afraid of, when indoors is tired and staying up late, the blood flow will slow down, the blood will become thicker and staying up late, the body secretes norepinephrine and epinephrine will increase , Will promote vasoconstriction, these factors add up, it will greatly increase the incidence of cerebral infarction and coronary heart disease.

The third thing that high blood pressure is most afraid of is smoking. For smokers, a smoking history of more than ten years will significantly increase atherosclerosis. If you smoke for a long time, then its blood viscosity will also increase significantly. Therefore, if patients with hypertension continue to smoke for a long time, the risk of coronary heart disease and cerebral infarction will increase significantly. Because this kind of big fish, big meat, high-fat and high-sugar diet will cause a significant increase in blood lipids in our blood, hyperlipidemia will promote the formation of vascular plaques in the botanical garden, which will cause our cerebral infarction and the occurrence of coronary heart disease.

Therefore, patients with high blood pressure must eat lightly and avoid mixing oil.

The four things that hypertensive patients are most afraid of. At the same time, hypertensive patients must cultivate good living habits, do not do two things after meals and two before going to bed.

So, what is the two do not do it after a meal and do not do it before going to bed? Why do you do not do it after a meal and do not do it? Don’t smoke immediately after a meal. There is a saying that a cigarette after a meal is like a living god. .

In fact, this idiom often induces people to make mistakes. After eating, the blood flow rate in the digestive system will be obvious.

If you smoke another cigarette at this time, a large number of harmful components in the cigarette will accelerate into your bloodstream, harm your liver, and damage your brain and heart. Therefore, the so-called cigarette after a meal is actually better than Normally smoking is much more harmful. The second one is not to do it after a meal. It is not to go to bed immediately after a meal. Why do you say that?

Because after eating, the body's blood is concentrated in the digestive system at this time to help the digestive system and digest food. At this time, the blood supply to the brain is relatively lacking. At this time, when I go to bed, go to bed immediately. The body's metabolism is reduced, and the blood flow rate in the brain is even lower.

Therefore, the chance of cerebral infarction will increase at this time. I advise everyone not to be after meals. Go to bed immediately, this will greatly increase the chance of cerebral infarction.

The so-called two do not do before going to bed, the first one is not done, as long as it is before going to bed, then do not drink coffee, because after drinking coffee before going to bed, you will be severely excited, sympathetic nerves will affect the quality of sleep, and you will not fall asleep. At the same time, after the sympathetic nerve is excited, it will promote a further increase in blood pressure. After the blood pressure increases, it will increase the burden on the heart and induce cerebral infarction and coronary heart disease.

Therefore, the doctor suggested that everyone should not drink coffee or strong tea before going to bed.

The so-called not doing two before going to bed refers to not eating supper before going to bed and then going to bed. This principle is not to go to bed immediately after a meal. The principle is the same, because after eating supper before going to bed, a lot of blood is concentrated in In the gastrointestinal tract, the brain is hypoxic and ischemic at this time.

Then immediately enter a state of sleep. In fact, during sleep, it may induce the occurrence of brain herniation. Today, I specifically talked about the four things most feared by hypertensive patients. I hope it can be helpful to everyone. If you think the medical knowledge shared today is very helpful to you, please pay attention and forward it to help more hypertensive patients. Thank you.

What food do patients with hypertension eat? The countermeasures of autumn and winter nutrition for patients with hypertension

What food do patients with hypertension eat? The countermeasures of autumn and winter nutrition for patients with hypertension

What should hypertension patients eat in autumn and winter? In autumn and winter, the temperature drops, the body must generate a lot of calories to adapt to the calorie consumption in daily life and work, and the amount of meals will also increase. For hypertensive patients, the autumn and winter nutritional mix should not only supplement sufficient energy conversion and nutrients in time, but also pay attention to regulating the level of hypertension. Then, how should hypertensive patients eat in autumn and winter?

What food do patients with hypertension eat? High blood pressure patients eat things like autumn and winter

What food do patients with hypertension eat?

1. Nutritional combination of hypertension patients in autumn and winter

Patients with high blood pressure can also eat more fruits and vegetables such as yam, lotus seeds, white fungus, lettuce, lilies, etc. In addition, winter claws, baskets, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, and oyster mushrooms are also particularly suitable for autumn and winter.

2. Patients with hypertension must adjust their salt intake

Too much salt intake will increase high blood pressure. Hypertensive patients must pay special attention to salt restriction. Daily salt intake should not exceed 3 grams as much as possible.

3. At the same time, hypertension patients suffering from hyperlipidemia must adjust their oil intake

The countermeasures of autumn and winter nutrition for patients with hypertension

Hypertension patients also need to pay attention to the intake of edible oil, particularly those who suffer from hyperlipidemia at the same time. Edible oils account for a relatively high proportion of unsaturated fats and are more suitable for hypertension patients. Olive oil, edible oil, camellia oil, etc. are all terrific choices.

4. Patients with hypertension should eat less pickled products.

Pickled products have a high salt content. Frequent consumption of pickled products will greatly increase salt intake. Therefore, it is better for people with high blood pressure to eat less.

People with high blood pressure are one step closer to developing heart disease! Do them on a regular basis, and your blood pressure will be more steady!