Sunday, October 31, 2021

Can hypertension impair vision? Is hypertension harmful to one's vision?

 Can hypertension impair vision?

Is hypertension harmful to one's vision?

Hello, my high blood pressure began five years ago and has been managed with medication. Recently, I've been experiencing dizziness and brain enlargement. Later, I discovered that my high blood pressure is 160 and my low blood pressure is 130. I'm taking medication, but I've suddenly noticed that my vision is deteriorating quickly. Will high blood pressure impair my vision? I'm pretty worried right now.

Can hypertension impair vision?  Is hypertension harmful to one's vision?

High blood pressure might have an impact on eyesight. Many issues will develop if blood pressure is not effectively regulated. In addition to cerebrovascular, cardiac, and renal failure, hypertensive retinopathy, comprising retinal edema, hemorrhage, ischemia, or exudative patches, is common. In extreme situations, retinal detachment will occur, impairing vision.

Analyze the condition: moderate hypertension has no organic disorders that are associated with it, and it will not damage eyesight in general. Severe hypertension, particularly poorly treated severe hypertension, will result in organic disorders of the heart, brain, liver, kidney, eye, and other organs, particularly tiny arteriovenous spasms of the fundus, which impair the blood supply of the fundus and damage eyesight. In more extreme situations, retinal detachment will emerge, compromising vision.

Remarks and suggestions:

1. The key to this treatment is to first manage blood pressure. 

2. Then, antiplatelet and microcirculation-improving medicines are used.

Hypertension is now affecting people in their twenties and thirties.

 Not only the elderly, but also the young and middle-aged, are suffering from hypertension. Obesity and overweight raise the risk of heart disease and other ailments. Obesity raises the risk of hypertension and deals a double blow to the heart. Weight loss of 2 to 5 kg, on the other hand, can help lower blood pressure and enhance cardiac function. Regular exercise aids in the maintenance of a healthy weight, the regulation of blood pressure, and the prevention of heart disease and other health issues. It is now suggested that you engage in at least 2.5 hours of moderate intensity aerobic activity (rapid walking) or 1 hour and 15 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise (indoor cycling or running) every week.

Dietary fiber keeps us feeling fuller for longer, so I'll eat less to keep our weight stable. Dietary fiber should be consumed in amounts ranging from 21 to 38 grams per day. Dietary fiber is mostly found in dried beans, peas, fruits (with skin), vegetables, and whole wheat. If you have high blood pressure, you must go to the hospital as soon as possible for a thorough checkup to rule out any other issues. People with high blood pressure should invest in a sphygmomanometer, which is both convenient and practical.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

How to Relieve Hypertension Headache shows four methods for resolving hypertension headaches.

 How to Relieve Hypertension Headache shows four methods for resolving hypertension headaches.

How to Relieve Hypertension Headache shows four methods for resolving hypertension headaches.

When blood pressure is high, some persons have a headache, which is produced by an increase in cerebrovascular volume induced by high blood pressure. At this point, individuals should start taking antihypertensive medications as soon as possible and avoid allowing their blood pressure to increase any more. At the same time, they should massage Taiyang point, relax their stiff head muscles, bubble their feet with hot water, and so on.

Hypertension is a widespread cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disorder. When their blood pressure rises, some people have a headache. So, how can you get rid of a hypertension headache? You may select some additional methods to alleviate it in addition to getting active and effective therapy for the problem. Let us have a look.

First, there is antihypertensive therapy.

The headache induced by hypertension is frequently triggered by a rapid spike in blood pressure, which patients find difficult to endure. At this time, we should pay attention to promptly checking blood pressure and taking specific antihypertensive medicines, but we should also be careful not to drop blood pressure too rapidly at once, as this may create certain complications. The headache will lessen after the blood pressure is steady, but if it persists, we should do more tests and address the cause.

Second, there is head massage.

Massage the head acupoints while suffering from high blood pressure and discomfort. Massage the temples and the Fengchi acupoints. You may also relax the neck by pinching the muscles. During the massage, the blood circulation in the head will increase, which will assist to relieve headaches and discomfort.

Third, use hot water to bubble your feet.

Because the blood arteries in the human legs and feet enlarge when warm, blood from the brain is carried down to the feet to relieve pressure in the blood vessels in the head. As a result, it is ideal for hypertensive individuals to soak their feet in hot water every night.

How to Relieve Hypertension Headache shows four methods for resolving hypertension headaches.

Fourth, drink some tea to help lower your blood pressure.

Blood pressure can be reduced by drinking chrysanthemum tea. Every day, decoct chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, and licorice to replace tea, which has the effect of soothing the liver, brightening the eyes, clearing away heat, and detoxifying, as well as reducing hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Furthermore, lotus leaf tea expands blood vessels, clears heat, reduces summer heat, and lowers blood pressure. It is also an effective treatment for weight loss and fat removal. Fresh lotus leaves may be cooked to make tea.

In the case of hypertension and headache, we must initially focus on blood pressure measurement. If our blood pressure is too high, we should start taking antihypertensive medications as soon as feasible. Reduce your blood pressure first, then massage your head, immerse your feet in hot water, and drink some antihypertensive tea. However, if the headache persists, we should go to the hospital as soon as possible for an evaluation and treatment.

N types of fruits that hypertension patients cannot consume?What fruits are beneficial to hypertension patients?

 N types of fruits that hypertension patients cannot consume?

Fruits that cannot be consumed pose no difficulty for people with high blood pressure.

Patients with high blood pressure can consume a range of fresh vegetables and fruits in moderation.

Dietary therapy of hypertension patients mostly necessitates low-salt and low-fat diets. While avoiding all types of fatty food, high-salt diets can induce water and sodium storage in the body, increasing blood pressure or causing a loss in new cardiac functions, etc.

Animal offal, fatty meat and seafood, and a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits can all be utilized.

Of course, proper dietary treatment of diabetes is required for people with high blood pressure and diabetes. To avoid blood sugar spikes, avoid eating fruits with a high sugar content.

N types of fruits that hypertension patients cannot consume?What fruits are beneficial to hypertension patients?

What fruits are beneficial to hypertension patients?

Watermelon, hawthorn, apple, hawthorn, kiwi, orange, pineapple, banana, and other potassium-rich fruits are excellent for hypertension sufferers. Potassium has a diuretic impact and aids in the treatment of high blood pressure.

Eating bananas is one of them. It can aid with gastrointestinal motility and digestion. Eating more hawthorn has a palatable flavor and helps preserve the cardiovascular system.

After speaking with a doctor, people with high blood pressure should take some fresh fruits. Furthermore, eating more fruits and vegetables helps to manage blood lipids and decrease cholesterol. In addition to consuming fruits, individuals with high blood pressure should have frequent check-ups, strengthen exercising, perform more aerobic activity, follow a low-fat and low-salt diet, and consume less high-calorie meals.

Friday, October 29, 2021

What exactly is high blood pressure? What is the root cause of hypertension?

 What exactly is high blood pressure? What is the root cause of hypertension?

More and more people are suffering from high blood pressure symptoms as a result of the effect of their living environment and living situations. So, what exactly is high blood pressure? What is the root cause of high blood pressure? What should I do if I have high blood pressure, and how should I treat high blood pressure? Let's have a peek at the editor in the video below.

What exactly is high blood pressure?

Hypertension (What exactly is hypertension?) is defined by elevated systemic arterial blood pressure (systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure) (systolic blood pressure 140 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure 90 mmHg), which may be accompanied by heart, brain, kidney, and other complications. Organ dysfunction or organic damage is a clinical syndrome. Hypertension is the most frequent chronic condition, as well as the leading risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.

What exactly is high blood pressure?

A typical person's blood pressure varies within a set range when the internal and external environment changes. Blood pressure levels gradually rise with age in the general population, with systolic blood pressure being the most prominent, however after the age of 50, diastolic blood pressure falls and pulse pressure rises.

In recent times. People's awareness of the involvement of many risk factors for cardiovascular disease and the maintenance of the target organs of the heart, brain, and kidney continues to grow. The diagnostic criteria for hypertension are also being revised on a regular basis. It is currently thought that persons with similar blood pressure levels have distinct chances of acquiring cardiovascular disease. As a result of the blood pressure stratification idea, people at varied risk of cardiovascular disease should have different optimal blood pressure values.

The basic basis for hypertension diagnosis and treatment plan construction is blood pressure value and risk element evaluation. Different patients have different hypertension management strategies. When dealing with patients, doctors consult the guidelines and choose the best blood pressure scale for the patient depending on their individual situations. Select treatment procedures that are specific. It is suggested to utilize 24-hour long-acting antihypertensive medications to regulate blood pressure on the basis of better lifestyle.

In addition to having their blood pressure checked in the office, patients should pay attention to monitoring and managing their blood pressure at home in the morning in order to regulate their blood pressure and lower the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events.

What is the cause of high blood pressure?

What exactly is high blood pressure? What is the root cause of hypertension?

Obesity is a major risk factor for hypertension.

Too much fat, and especially too much fat, will put a strain on the blood vessels. When the pipe is compressed, the power source must raise its output in order for the initial circulation to reach the circulation. As the power of the power source grows, so will the pressure in the pipeline. It creates a lot of pressure.

Dry blood causes high blood pressure.

It is vital to be scientific while drinking water on a regular basis. Because water hardness is linked to the beginning of high blood pressure. Hard water includes more calcium and magnesium ions, which are crucial conditioning chemicals that help vascular smooth muscle cells perform their vasomotor function. If they are deficient, they can readily produce vascular spasms and, as a result, raise blood pressure. As a result, hypertension individuals should consume as much hard water as feasible. For example, springs, deep well water, natural mineral springs, and so on.

Cerebrovascular illness is to blame.

Strengthening physical strength and physical activity should be prioritized. Physical activity improves blood circulation, promotes lipid consumption, reduces fat buildup in blood vessels, increases plasmin activity, and aids in weight loss. As a result, we should stick to housekeeping and physical activity that is appropriate for our abilities. To prevent accidents, it is vital to increase nursing care for persons with intellectual impairment, mental disability, and physical difficulty.

Cerebrovascular illness is to blame.

Kidney illness is to blame.

Elevated blood pressure is frequently associated with congenital renal hypoplasia, congenital urinary tract malformation, renal artery stenosis, latent nephritis, pyelonephritis, and other conditions. Early symptoms are often milder, with patients mostly exhibiting growth retardation, pale skin, weight loss, and so on. Severe renal hypertension may develop as the condition develops. Furthermore, both acute and chronic glomerulonephritis are frequently accompanied with hypertensive symptoms.

Those who consume a lot of salt have a higher risk of developing hypertension.

It is advised not to consume high-salt and thick-flavored meals, as well as smoke and alcohol. Light, readily digested veggies with a high water content should be consumed. You can eat extra fruits and vegetables if you have high blood pressure.

For patients with high blood pressure, pay attention to the 5 types of ingredients and eat less! The whole sentence of intelligent original doctor's warning: eating too much sad, brain, kidney

What type of tea does hypertension take on a daily basis?

 What type of tea does hypertension take on a daily basis?

According to WTO data, genetics contributes to 15% of the elements influencing people's health, while nutrition accounts for 13%. It is clear that, in addition to inheritance, nutrition is the most essential element influencing human health. Tea treatment is an essential component of nutrition therapy. What type of tea is beneficial to hypertension?

1. Tea with honey chrysanthemums

Cook 10 grams of chrysanthemum in boiling water for 3 minutes, then extract the juice, add 2 tablespoons of honey, combine well, and drink. Efficacy: Chrysanthemum tea includes flavonoids, which can lower blood pressure, while honey provides minerals and protein, which can promote cardiovascular function and control blood pressure.

What type of tea does hypertension take on a daily basis?

2. Green tea with balsam and pears

Practice by soaking 20 grams of dried balsam pear and 12 grams of green tea in boiling water for 2 minutes, then combining the liquid with honey and drinking it. Efficacy: Balsam pear contains potassium and folic acid, which aid in the reduction of blood pressure and fat oxidation. Green tea polyphenols aid in the reduction of blood lipids and cholesterol, as well as the prevention of atherosclerosis.

3. Chrysanthemum locust green tea

Practice: Place 6 grams of Sophora japonica, green tea, and chrysanthemum in a cup, cover with boiling water, and soak for 2 minutes. Filter the residue and consume the juice. Efficacy: Green tea's chrysanthemum flavonoids and polyphenols have antioxidative and cardiovascular disease-prevention properties.

4. Tea made from Chrysanthemum jujube

20 grams of red dates, 10 grams of chrysanthemums, an adequate quantity of water, simmer steadily over low heat for 5 minutes, cool to around 40 degrees, and add honey Efficacy: Chrysanthemum flavonoids have the ability to widen coronary arteries and prevent thrombosis. Red jujube contains vitamin P, which helps to preserve the flexibility of the vascular wall and improves the ability of cardiac contraction.

The mystery of the human body: explain the principle of high blood pressure to you clearly in two minutes!

What are the signs and symptoms of pregnancy-related hypertension?

 What are the signs and symptoms of pregnancy-related hypertension?

I'm not sure if I have a mild case of hypertension. I'm quite concerned. What are the signs and symptoms of prenatal hypertension?

In addition to being examined in the hospital, most people with pregnancy-induced hypertension have three symptoms: proteinuria, hypertension, and edema, as well as the five listed below. Expectant moms can also tell whether they have hypertension.

Performance 1: high blood pressure.

Women's blood pressure will be somewhat lower than before pregnancy after five months, and blood pressure will progressively rise after five months. A normal pregnant women's blood pressure is around 110/ 175mmhg at this stage. Expectant moms may have hypertension if their blood pressure is 30 / 15m mhg or greater than this threshold.

Performance 2: edema.

Expectant moms gain an average of 2kg every month after giving birth. If they are fat, their pregnancy weight growth will be slightly reduced. Due to concealed edema, some pregnant women gain weight quickly after giving birth. They can acquire 1kg or more each week. If pregnant women notice that they are gaining weight too quickly, they should first examine for concave edema in their ankles and legs. If this is the case, the uterus is most likely compressing the inferior vena cava and blocking the reflux, resulting in pregnancy hypertension.

Performance 3: proteinuria.

Some pregnant women have pregnancy-induced hypertension symptoms such as high blood pressure and edema. Proteinuria will occur if they are not addressed in a timely manner. The glomerulus will become more permeable at this point. Proteinuria can be detected in pregnant women by measuring the amount of protein in their urine.

What are the signs and symptoms of pregnancy-related hypertension?

Performance 4: Fundus changes.

The fundus will alter in expecting moms who have significant pregnancy-induced hypertension. The retinal arterioles can indicate whether or not the arterioles of the body's organs have altered. The funding of expecting mothers with pregnancy-induced hypertension undergoes three phases of change: vasospasm, arteriosclerosis, and retinopathy. As a result, expecting moms should go to the hospital for a professional evaluation as soon as they notice changes in their conscious funds.

Performance 5: convulsions, even coma.

If the expecting woman has convulsive coma symptoms before or after delivery, it is most likely an indication of severe pregnancy-induced hypertension. If the delivery doctor discovers that the expecting woman has locked teeth, tight masseter muscles, straight-ahead eyes, loss of consciousness, or coma during birth, she is most certainly suffering from severe hypertension. This is a highly risky scenario, with a significant risk of maternal mortality.

In addition to being examined in the hospital, most people with pregnancy-induced hypertension have three symptoms: proteinuria, hypertension, and edema, as well as the five listed below. Expectant moms can also tell whether they have hypertension.

High blood pressure is what sort of symptom?

 High blood pressure is what sort of symptom?

Because the two elderly folks at home are in good health, I normally pay close attention to them when caring for them. I'm terrified of everything. It's been reported that the elderly are more prone to high blood pressure, therefore in order to properly care for them, I'd want to know what the signs of high blood pressure are, so I can take measures and catch them early.

Hypertension symptoms in its early stages

(1) Early manifestations: In the early stages, the majority of them are asymptomatic. They may have elevated blood pressure during physical examinations, or they may experience dizziness, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, sleeplessness, weariness, inattention, and other symptoms following mental strain, emotional excitation, or exhaustion, which may be caused by advanced mental dysfunction. The blood pressure raised only briefly in the early stages. The blood pressure continued to rise as the condition progressed, and the organs became implicated.

(2) Common brain symptoms include headaches and dizziness. Emotional excitation, extreme exhaustion, environment change, or antihypertensive medicine withdrawal are the most common causes. Blood pressure skyrocketed. Severe headache, vision impairment, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, coma, temporary hemiplegia, aphasia, and other symptoms?

(3) Cardiac performance: In the early stages, cardiac function is compensated, and symptoms are not noticeable. Later on, cardiac function deteriorates and heart failure ensues.

(4) Renal manifestations: long-term hypertension causes renal arteriosclerosis. Reduced renal function can result in nocturia, polyuria, protein, tube type, and red blood cell in urine. Low urine concentration function, phenol red excretion, and urea clearance problem are all symptoms of a urea clearance disorder. Uremia and azotemia occurred.

(5) Changes in the arterial system. 

(6) Changes in the fundus.

What to do with high blood pressure? If you want to keep your blood pressure stable, keep in mind seven don't do it!

In truth, not only the elderly, but also a large number of young individuals, suffer from high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, you should stick to your routine and have a positive attitude.

If a young person has high blood pressure, what should they do? What are the hypertension treatment guidelines?

What are the hypertension treatment guidelines?

I was worried about something a while ago, but then I became dizzy and couldn't walk. I went to the doctor and informed him that I was suffering from excessive blood pressure. When I first heard it, I was taken aback. How did I obtain this illness? What to do about this unusual ailment. Where may hypertension be treated?

Hypertension is a clinical condition characterized by an increase in systemic arterial pressure. Hypertension experts advise eating a low-salt, low-fat diet, quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol, and avoiding emotional excitation. If you have a high blood fat level, you must address it simultaneously. Aside from that, the antihypertensive impact is poor. Antihypertensive medicines should be chosen with the help of local doctors. Eating more fruits and vegetables is also beneficial.

If a young person has high blood pressure, what should they do?

Friends and coworkers would occasionally tell me that my blood pressure was rising again, and that if this continued, I might get high blood pressure. My body is in excellent condition, with nothing wrong with it from head to toe. But, for the sake of my own health, I'd like to know what to do about high blood pressure in teenagers.

Tobacco and alcohol appear to be a must-have for many young people nowadays. It is very crucial to quit these two things, especially smoking, if you have high blood pressure. Smoking has been proven to be a substantial risk factor for cardiovascular disease and malignant hypertension in studies. Young hypertension patients should devise a workable smoking cessation strategy and stick to it.

The second thing you should do is change your diet. Avoid foods heavy in sodium, cholesterol, alcohol, salt or sodium spices, canned food, pickled items, egg yolks, animal offal, and animal fats in your everyday life. Ingestion. More polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as those found in fresh fish, can help manage blood pressure and prevent coronary atherosclerosis in the future.

The second thing to do is to make it a habit to exercise regularly, which is especially crucial for young people, three to five times each week for 30 to 45 minutes each time. Fast walking, cycling, swimming, leisurely strolling, or ascending stairs are the most common workouts, while isometric contraction exercises that elevate blood pressure, such as weightlifting, wrestling, and rowing, should be avoided. Gradually increase the amount of exercise you do. If you get dizziness, shortness of breath, or chest tightness, stop exercising right once and see a doctor.

Exercise and food should be given special attention. If your blood pressure is high, you won't be able to eat a lot of meals since they will irritate your condition. Furthermore, you should avoid intense activity.

Treatment and nutrition for hypertension

There are an increasing number of hypertensive sufferers in modern society. A kind of "cardiovascular syndrome" is hypertension. Treatment is selected based on the total cardiovascular risk. Because it is vital to take hypertension therapy and dietary adjustments in time to comprehend the symptoms of hypertension in time to modify, attention should be made to the complete intervention of a variety of cardiovascular risk factors. So, how can you cure high blood pressure and follow a healthy diet?

What should be done about hypertension? Give you seven techniques to lower your blood pressure.

 What should be done about hypertension? Give you seven techniques to lower your blood pressure.

What exactly is hypertension?

Hypertension and renal disease have a tight association. Long-term uncontrolled hypertension leads to renal disease, and kidney disease ultimately affects blood pressure and causes it to rise, therefore many individuals with kidney disease also have hypertension.

What should be done about hypertension? Give you seven techniques to lower your blood pressure.

I am well aware of the dangers of hypertension, therefore I will not ignore it. After three months of treatment, the blood pressure has reduced to around 135/85mmHg. Although there is still a difference between the optimum blood pressure of 120/80mmHg, it has gone below 140/90mmHg. The first aim is regarded to have been met. Xiangxin will stick to it, and his blood pressure will be more normal.

How can hypertension be healed completely?

Isn't it true that if you have high blood pressure, you must take medication?

How can blood pressure be brought back to normal without the use of antihypertensive medications? The following seven lifestyle adjustments can help restore blood pressure levels in persons who only have high blood pressure. They can teach you a thing or two.

1.Nutritious Diet

Many people believe that physicians' lifestyles are particularly healthy. Doctors are, in reality, merely a profession. He, like Dr. Wen, enjoys a wide variety of pasta. He occasionally eats noodles with cakes or steamed bread, but the amount of veggies he consumes is modest. Even after attending medical school and obtaining a great deal of medical knowledge, it is difficult to break this type of eating behavior that has been set from infancy.

Nutritious Diet

After discovering he had high blood pressure, doctor Wen began to forcefully change his diet structure, cutting pasta from his diet nearly in half and increasing the proportion of whole grains such as Wotou, sweet potato, beans, pumpkin, millet, corn, and so on; Every day or even every meal, I force myself to eat more vegetables and one fruit each day.

According to research, eating vegetables, fruits, coarse grains, and various grains as the main diet can assist individuals with hypertension drop their blood pressure by 10mmhg. The adjustment in food structure is a significant element in doctor Wen's decrease in blood pressure.

2. salt-reduction and low-salt diets

We know that a high salt diet has a significant influence on blood pressure and is a primary contributor to the development of hypertension. At the moment, the average salt intake per person per day in our nation is 10-12g, whereas a healthy salt intake is less than 5-6G per person per day. The majority of Chinese people consume more salt than is recommended.

Reduce salt and low salt

Doctor Wen is from the north. He has a strong sense of taste and consumes salt in excess of the recommended amount. Even if you are a doctor, you would never have considered trying to reduce salt with reduced salt before the emergence of hypertension. Because of long-term diet and taste preferences, forcing you to eat salt in accordance with the norm of healthy eating would make you feel as though the food is insipid. Dr. Wen gradually began to adopt a reduced salt diet after realizing he had high blood pressure.

Reducing salt consumption can help lower blood pressure by 5-6 mmHg. Salt reduction and minimal salt consumption are beneficial in lowering blood pressure.

What should be done about hypertension? Give you seven techniques to lower your blood pressure.

3. Continue to workout(Keep exercising)

Dr.  like many others, still participates in athletics at school. In his leisure time, he enjoys playing and kicking the ball. However, as a result of his career and marriage, he has less and busier free time. When he gets home, he wants to rest and progressively reduces his physical activity.

Dr. Wen began to run as his blood pressure began to rise. I didn't adjust to exercise at first, but I often worried that if I didn't exercise, I'd get long-term hypertension. If I didn't take my medicine for an extended period of time, I would be at danger of hypertension issues, so I had to grit my teeth and stick to it.

Keep exercising, Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

When compared to other occupations, this precise awareness of the condition may be the single "professional advantage" of the doctor profession. In reality, once the exercise habit is established, it will not seem particularly difficult. Doctor Wen is now uncomfortably sedentary if he does not exercise every day. It is clear how vital it is for our health to develop healthy habits for ourselves.

Aerobic activity for at least 30 minutes 3-5 days a week can help lower blood pressure by 5 to 8 mmHg. Exercise can help with a variety of chronic conditions, not only hypertension.

4. weight management

Dr. Wen's weight progressively reduced from 150 kg to 140 kg after three months of good food and exercise, and the weight loss is also beneficial to blood pressure regulation.

weight management

In reality, the best strategy to regulate weight in most situations of overweight or obesity is "good diet + exercise." Only a tiny proportion of obese persons who can't control themselves or for other reasons need to lose weight with medicines or surgery.

Blood pressure may be decreased by roughly 1 mmHg for every 2 kg of weight loss. Weight management is an essential part of staying healthy.

5. Refrain from Drinking

Doctors, like eating habits, can't quit drinking until their health is jeopardized. Dr. Wen, on the other hand, has fully stopped drinking since being diagnosed with high blood pressure. He had steadfastly resisted drinking even in the new year. His determination seemed to be enormous.

Some individuals claim that drinking may reduce blood pressure, which is completely false! Some people's blood pressure may drop somewhat after consuming a small quantity of alcohol within 6 hours, but in the long run, a small amount of alcohol will slightly raise their blood pressure, and a big amount of alcohol will greatly raise their blood pressure.

Excessive drinking not only raises blood pressure, but also reduces the efficacy of antihypertensive medications and increases the likelihood of serious drug responses or side effects. As a result, abstinence is the most important aspect in restoring normal blood pressure.

6. Give up smoking

Doctor Wen smoked approximately 10 cigarettes per day prior to the onset of hypertension; during the "battle to reduce blood pressure," he finally took a positive view of the impact of this bad habit on his health, resolutely quit smoking, and joked that he had finally found an excuse to persuade himself to quit smoking.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels, Give up smoking

Quitting smoking not only lowers blood pressure, but it also lowers the risk of heart disease and lung cancer. Tobacco use is hazardous to one's health. It's not simply a catchphrase!

7. Avoid staying up late to relieve psychological stress.

Most physicians are night owls since most young doctors work the night shift, sleep late, and may need to wake up in the middle of the night to check on patients' conditions or treat and rescue patients.

What is hypertension?

What exactly is hypertension?

A rise in systemic arterial blood pressure, defined as systolic blood pressure of 140mmHg and diastolic blood pressure of 90mmHg, is considered hypertension. It is the most significant risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.

How can hypertension be healed completely?

Dizziness and headache, particularly at the back of the head, are common hypertension symptoms, followed by nausea and vomiting, tinnitus and dizziness, palpitation, shortness of breath, heart hypertrophy, ventricular enlargement, and so on.

What is hypertension?

Hereditary factors, mental and environmental variables, long-term mental stress, excitement, anxiety, noise or inadequate visual stimulation, and so on all play a role in its development. Poor lifestyle choices, as well as the use of contraceptives, hormones, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic drugs, can all cause blood pressure variations.

High blood pressure can also be caused by diabetes, thyroid diseases, endocrine tumors, and other ailments. Physical and laboratory tests may be performed to confirm a clinical diagnosis. Hypertension may be managed with a healthy lifestyle and medicines. Commonly used drugs include diuretics, receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor impedance agents, and others.

Patients with hypertension should restrict their daily food intake, total calorie intake, low salt, low fat, moderate and moderate activity, as well as monitor their blood pressure on a regular basis and maintain a good attitude.

What should be done about hypertension? Give you seven techniques to lower your blood pressure.

How should you pay attention to your diet when suffering from hypertension?

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

How should you pay attention to your diet when suffering from hypertension?

When you have hypertension, how should you approach your diet? The patron saint of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular illnesses is one of the top 10 meals.

What is hypertension?

As we all know, true dietary management is critical for hypertensive individuals. However, whether you question a doctor or conduct your own research, you will usually get the same response. There is just one mention of reduced salt, low fat, less sugar, and more fiber. This is a broad statement.

It is often difficult to obtain a definitive response if you wish to know what meals are in detail. Following that, we will expose you to 10 different types of cuisine. Acidic fruit contains the most vitamin C of any fruit category. Today's nutrition is constant.

Encourage the use of vitamin C as an antioxidant. Its three main functions are to prevent free radicals from harming cells, to slow aging, and to prevent the carcinogenic conversion of the preservatives sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite. Nitrosamine has a powerful cancer-maintenance impact.

Gastric and esophageal cancers, in particular, block the oxidation of bad cholesterol, retain good cholesterol, and maintain blood vessel and heart health. Sea cucumber, like ginseng, bird's nest, and shark's fin, is well-known. It is one of the world's eight treasures. Sea cucumber is not only a great food source, but it is also a useful therapeutic ingredient.

According to the Materia Medica collection, sea cucumber tastes sweet and salty, tonifying the kidney and essence, increasing yang, and curing impotence. Because of its warm character and ability to replace enemy ginseng, it is known as sea cucumber. Sea cucumber has been shown to boost cognition and slow the aging of the gonads.

Lycopene in red stone has a significant antioxidant impact and can help prevent arteriosclerosis and cancer. It has the ability to not only protect cells from injury, but also to restore damaged cells.

Restrain and remove free radicals in the body, maintain the cardiovascular system, lower the incidence rate of heart disease and hypertension, and have some influence on cancer prevention and treatment. Green pepper has the ability to prevent and cure scurvy, as well as act as an auxiliary treatment for gingival bleeding, anemia, and vascular weakness.

Most people will notice that their pulse rate and skin temperature increase after eating hot green pepper. When blood vessels are flushed, people feel heated. As a result, traditional Chinese medicine regards it in the same way as pepper does. Its premise is that it warms the center and lowers Qi, disperses cold and removes moisture, and it contains a particular fatty acid.

​Because it is linked to the pleasure hormone in the human brain, when individuals are down, they intentionally eat more fish, and their mood progressively improves. Fish flesh contains magnesium and boron, none of which has a calming effect. Eating fish flesh can frequently help to reduce negative feelings.

Endothelial dysfunction is one of the first signs of arteriosclerosis. Endothelial dysfunction can be caused by smoking, however the amino acids found in fish can help prevent arteriosclerosis. As a result, eat more fish if you can't quit smoking for a time. Soybeans are inexpensive and beneficial to women.

It includes isoflavones, which have estrogen-like properties and help lower cholesterol levels in the blood, maintain heart health, prevent breast cancer, and regulate loose disorders. Auricularia auricula has more colloidal active ingredients, which can reduce coagulation time greatly.

It has the ability to dredge blood arteries and prevent thrombosis. It is renowned as a natural anticoagulant and is particularly advantageous to coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disorders because Auricularia auricula has a unique two-way regulating impact on hemostasis and stimulating blood circulation. Salmon is high in unsaturated fatty acids, which are good for your heart.

It can lower lipid and cholesterol levels in the blood, prevent cardiovascular disease, and reduce the risk of heart disease and mortality by one-third. Salmon includes astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant, and omega-3 fatty acids are particularly crucial for brain health.

It is a necessary component of the retina and nervous system. It can improve brain function, prevent Alzheimer's disease, and prevent eyesight loss. Garlic contains sulfide, which has antioxidant and reducing properties. It can not only help lower cholesterol levels in the body, but it can also help you lose weight.

It can also help to avoid excessive blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. If you don't like garlic, you can consume garlic seedlings, garlic leaves, and garlic oil. Remember that if you drink a glass of milk after eating garlic, the unpleasant garlic flavor will fade. You can try if you don't trust me. If you feel bloated and puffy after eating,

Hawthorn is especially beneficial for individuals who do not consume meat. At the same time, hawthorn is beneficial to middle-aged and senior people suffering from heart failure, hypertension, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, hyperlipidemia, paroxysmal tachycardia, and different malignancies.

What should hypertensive cerebral infarction diet pay attention to?Now can I drink milk every morning?

 What should hypertensive cerebral infarction diet pay attention to?

Hello, I'm not fat, but my blood pressure is about 150. Now can I drink milk every morning?

First of all, we should eat more coarse grains, coarse grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as some bean products, lean meat, fish, eggs, etc.

We must remember to eat less fat, such as animal fat, animal viscera, and some greasy food.

Eat less sugar, strong tea and coffee. In fact, it's not very good for stimulating food.

To achieve low salt and low fat.

Low salt means that the amount of salt must be controlled below six grams, and should be rich in vitamins, potassium and dietary fiber.

Moreover, edible oil does not exceed 25 grams a day.

You can eat 500g of fruits and vegetables a day or drink 250g of milk,

We must pay attention to some invisible salts, such as monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, etc. we must pay attention to them when using them, especially some pickled foods and pickles.

In conclusion, the diet of patients with hypertension is the same. Patients with hypertension should eat more coarse grains, coarse grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, bean products, lean meat, fish, chicken and other foods.

Eat less animal fat and greasy food, less sugar, strong tea, coffee and other irritant food, low salt, low fat, low calorie, rich in vitamins, potassium and dietary fiber, quit smoking and alcohol.

Diet should be moderate. Three meals a day should be regular and quantitative. Don't overeat. It's appropriate to eat at eight.

After high temperature with oil, molecular changes will occur and stick to blood vessels like paint, which will harden blood vessels and increase plaques. Over time, they will suffer from hypertension and coronary heart disease. So don't cook with high temperature oil, don't eat barbecue food with oil, bread, biscuits, barbecue, sausage, etc. Don't eat fried food. Smoking produces tar, and don't smoke. There are other reasons for illness, but this reason should be common and should be paid attention to!

Corn must meet her, her belly is thin, the three highs are gone, corn must meet hawthorn, her blood lipid is reduced, corn must meet lotus leaf, her belly is small, corn must meet Sophora japonica, her inflammation is gone, corn must meet burdock root edema is gone, corn must meet Cyclocarya, the three highs are reduced, when these kinds meet together, the whole person is better and starts brewing for five minutes, Take the place of tea every day, lose one circle of belly and quietly drop three heights.

High blood pressure, what food to eat?

 High blood pressure, what food to eat?

Hello, doctor, I am 44 years old. I have high blood pressure caused by ear neuralgia and pain stimulation due to trauma. For one and a half years, my blood pressure has been unstable and I haven't taken much medicine. Now my blood pressure has been high for more than 20 days, with high pressure of 150-185 and low pressure of 100-115. Now I take pinbendipine, which is still a little high every day. Please help me see what medicine is suitable. Can carbamazepine, a drug for treating neuralgia, be taken together with benazepine, a drug for lowering blood pressure?

Patients with hypertension need to control their weight and limit salt, pickled products and snacks. In addition, they should increase the intake of potassium, fresh vegetables and fruits 🍉 Whole grains containing fiber, such as bean products, increase the protein needed every day and limit the intake of wine!

It's a comprehensive factor. It's also very important for everyone to ask this question, because eating too much salt, too greasy, or too much food may cause high blood pressure,

If you are a patient with hypertension, you need a healthy diet, an overall healthy diet, and do not emphasize a certain food.

However, we still need to emphasize nutritional balance. The most important thing is to understand how food affects blood pressure,

Firstly, we should be able to lose weight, secondly, we should be able to reduce salt and limit salt. These methods can reduce blood pressure, but some patients are a little too much, because salt is a very important seasoning in the diet,

I don't dare to eat salt at the end of the day, and it's not very good for my body, so I emphasize balanced nutrition.

Reduce blood pressure through exercise, reduce overeating and reduce a large amount of salt intake,

So it is not emphasized that a certain food should be as few as possible, which may lead to malnutrition. Why do doctors often emphasize balanced nutrition,

Because some of our patients are very extreme, we will find that some patients are basically free of oil, which is problematic, because adipose tissue itself is also an important nutrient.

If the patient eats too light three meals a day, the body will cause some anemia. This vitamin needs the absorption of fat soluble vitamins. It needs us to eat fat.

Experts suggest that patients with hypertension generally advocate a healthy diet and should pay attention to balanced nutrition,

It is not recommended to eat a certain food. It should be emphasized that patients should pay attention to low salt and low fat, but they should not eat oil and salt completely to prevent malnutrition.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Can hypertension be cured completely? Listen to the doctor's good treatment method to stabilize your blood pressure without soaring!

 Can hypertension be cured completely? Listen to the doctor's good treatment method to stabilize your blood pressure without soaring!

Summarize the advancement of living standards. Hypertension is very common and common, and it has severely threatened people's health!! If you have hypertensive patients around you, these few secret recipes of Trane must be passed on to them.

Most essential hypertension that is not clearly diagnosed as a secondary cause requires life-long treatment. It is possible to use lifestyle interventions, such as diet control, adding activities, etc., so that the blood pressure of some patients can be controlled at a normal scale. If the blood pressure is still not up to standard based on lifestyle intervention, it is advisable to take oral drugs for long-term treatment. However, if the blood pressure fluctuates, the dosage of the drug can be adjusted according to the detailed situation.

Can hypertension be cured completely? This may be a problem that the majority of patients are very concerned about. In fact, uh, for us now, if there is no clear diagnosis of the secondary cause, most of this kind of essential hypertension is lifelong and requires lifelong treatment, then Well, after, for example, the intervention of this kind of lifestyle, ah, the manipulation of diet, er, adding activities, etc., some patients' blood pressure can indeed be controlled at a normal scale, but, er, lifestyle interference, There is also this kind of diet control, that is, we add activities, control, and control the diet. In fact, it is also part of the treatment. On the basis of lifestyle intervention, if the blood pressure is still not qualified, er, oral medication is still advocated. , And the drug needs a long time. However, if there is a shaky time, the dosage of the drug can be adjusted according to its detailed situation. For example, in summer, a single patient may need antihypertensive drugs to reduce the dose, while in winter, they need antihypertensive drugs. Increase the amount and so on. Then, the details should be treated in the hospital. Experts concluded that the primary hypertension that is not clearly diagnosed as a secondary cause requires life-long treatment and can use lifestyle interventions, such as diet. In this way, the blood pressure of some patients can be controlled at a normal scale. If the blood pressure still cannot reach the standard based on lifestyle intervention, it is recommended that oral medication be used for long-term treatment, but if the blood pressure fluctuates, it can be based on it. Adjust the dosage of the medicine in detail.

How can hypertension be healed completely?

How can hypertension be healed completely?

Primary hypertension cannot be completely cured, and long-term treatment, including therapeutic intervention in daily life and the use of antihypertensive drugs, is required; secondary hypertension must be actively treated for the cause, and whether it can be completely cured is related to whether the cause is completely eliminated, and the treatment methods are as follows: Medical and surgical therapy, for example.

Essential hypertension is caused by a number of variables, including genetics and environment. There is no total cure, and the underlying reason cannot be entirely removed. Patients require long-term medical care. The therapy strategy includes sexual intervention as well as the use of antihypertensive medicines. Weight loss, sodium consumption, potassium supplementation, smoking cessation and alcohol limitation, increasing exercise, lowering mental stress, and adding folic acid preparations as needed are all healing strategies in sexual life.

How can hypertension be healed completely?

Antihypertensive medications include diuretics (hydrochlorothiazide, triamterene), beta receptor antagonists (propranolol, metoprolol), calcium channel blockers (nifedipine, nicardipine), angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (captopril, enalapril), angiotensin II receptor antagonists (losartan, valsartan), and others. Encourage people to take medicine under the supervision of a doctor.

The mystery of the human body: explain the principle of high blood pressure to you clearly in two minutes!

Primary aldosteronism, pheochromocytoma, renal vascular hypertension, renin excretion tumor, and other illnesses can all induce secondary hypertension. Its therapy begins with active treatment of the original ailment, such as surgical treatment, arterial interventional treatment, and so on. During treatment, it can be paired with antihypertensive medicines to assist manage blood pressure. Secondary hypertension patients' conditions can be improved spontaneously when the source is removed, and there is a potential of complete cure. It is advised that the patient seek medical attention and treatment as soon as feasible.

Summarize the rise in living standards. Hypertension is quite frequent, and it has posed a serious threat to people's health!! If you have hypertension sufferers around you, you should share Trane's secret recipes with them.


1.Washing your feet with baking soda might help you get rid of high blood pressure. Someone used to have a high blood pressure of 160 and a low blood pressure of 90. He was given a range of hypertension medications, but the healing impact was minimal. Later, an old individual suggested a method: wash your feet with baking soda, then pour water and soak them. Start washing when the water temperature is warm enough to drop your feet by two or three scoops of soda. I washed it three times for 20-30 minutes each time, and it was quite effective. It's been 20 years since I haven't done it.

How can hypertension be healed completely?

To soak your feet, boil 23 banana peels in water. Allow the water to cool for 20-30 minutes before reheating it. After three days, the blood pressure returned to normal. 3 Bidens is useful in the treatment of high blood pressure. The exact procedure is as follows: everyday use 30 grams of dried Bidens, add 2000 ml of water, decoct the progeny tea orally in one day, take Bajiuxiao sequentially, the effect or blood pressure will return to normal, and the blood pressure can be kept constant for a long time.

What Bidens has in common is that patients with high blood pressure can drop their blood pressure to normal after taking the medication, persons with low blood pressure can increase their blood pressure, and people with normal blood pressure do not change. It does help to avoid hypertension, cerebral thrombosis, and coronary heart disease. The drug has a unique impact.

4.Using red terrain in the highlands to treat high blood pressure. For two years, one patient had high blood pressure, with a peak of 184 and a low of roughly 90, and was unable to work. Who knows if it's okay to eat a pair after consuming a folk medicine.

Choose three kilos of red from the mountains, one tael of raw land, and an adequate amount of white sugar for the dish. Wash and remove the Shanlihong seeds, then boil them in a stainless steel kettle with sugar, simmer them, and chill them in the refrigerator for storage. Every day, consume it at irregular intervals, exactly like snacks.

How can hypertension be healed completely?

5. Peanuts and vinegar can be used to treat high blood pressure. a half-bowl of peanuts (big bowl with red clothing) and some nice vinegar Take a look at this bowl of peanuts. Soak for 7 days and then take 10 tablets in the morning and evening. You can take it once every few days once your blood pressure has dropped. Make the impact more stable.

Indications: Clearing heat and improving blood circulation, treating excessive blood pressure, boosting blood vessel wall maintenance, and avoiding thrombosis. 6 Qi Sheng Fang for Blood Pressure Reduction-5 Days to Lower Blood Pressure Take a fresh lotus root 2.

5 kilograms chopped 1 kg crushed raw sesame seeds mashed with 1 kg rock sugar Place it in a saucepan and steam it. While waiting for the paint to dry, take out 5 equal sections. Take one serving every day, and your blood pressure should return to normal within 5 days.

The heavier one takes 5 days longer. Safe and dependable. 7 High blood pressure can be treated with the entire herb of peanuts. For decoction, use 50 grams of peanut entire plant (whole grass) chopped into parts at a time. Fresh product is 150 grams at a time, whereas dry product is 50 grams at a time. One pill at a time. It can be taken on an irregular basis if your blood pressure is normal. Indications for a long-lasting benefit include removing heat and cooling the blood. Has the impact of decreasing blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as having a more aggressive effect on the treatment of high blood pressure! Concerns that must be addressed.

How can hypertension be healed completely?

Sunday, October 24, 2021

What to do with high blood pressure? If you want to keep your blood pressure stable, keep in mind seven don't do it!

 Hypertension is very common, although it is not a serious disease, but if you don’t need to pay attention, it is prone to instability of blood pressure and cause some other things. Then, there are seven reasons for high blood pressure.

Middle-aged and elderly people need to pay attention

First, don’t control your blood pressure by intuition. If you feel high blood pressure, you don’t feel dizzy, feel uncomfortable, etc., don’t care if you are unwell. If you don’t control it well, it will damage a lot of blood vessels and organs, leading to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, abnormal renal function, etc. If you control your symptoms when symptoms appear, you may miss the best time to control high blood pressure. .

Second, don’t just take medicine and not measure blood pressure, or that blood pressure is only measured once a day. This view is also wrong, because people’s blood pressure is replenishing at any time. This is especially true for patients with high blood pressure. Some people have high blood pressure in the morning, and some people have high blood pressure at night, and the changes are quite large. Therefore, it is recommended that you buy a blood pressure monitor yourself, make a monitoring record at home, and then give the doctor based on the results of the blood pressure monitoring Provide reference and adjust people's medication.

Third, don’t stop the medication at will. Some friends think that the blood pressure control is quite good these days, so you can stop the medication, and then take antihypertensive drugs when it is high. This is also wrong. For primary hypertension At present, there is no cure, only relief. Normal blood pressure can only mean that you have been under good control recently. It does not mean that you have been cured. If you stop the medication at will, your blood pressure may rebound. Then there will be some other things, so don't just stop taking the medicine by yourself. Even if the medicine needs to be reduced, it needs to be reduced under the guidance of a professional doctor.

Fourth, don’t push feces too hard, then people who are middle-aged and elderly friends will have reduced gastrointestinal function and are prone to constipation.

Then, some friends use force to poop. If you use too much force, it is easy to cause heartbeat, blood pressure, and other things. Patients with high blood pressure usually need to pay more attention to eating more vegetables, fruits, and crude fiber. If they are really constipated If it is, it can also be treated with medicine and laxative.

Fifth, don’t get up too hard. For example, when people get up in the morning, or squat for a long time, then you should wake up slowly, sit for a while before getting up. If you suddenly stand up, it is easy to cause blood pressure fluctuations. , Or postural hypotension, causing dizziness and other discomfort.

Sixth, don't get emotional, get angry or irritable. If you have high blood pressure, you must have a calm mentality. Don't get angry easily, quarrel with others or argue fiercely, which can easily cause a sharp rise in blood pressure and cause a series of other things.

What are the signs and symptoms of pregnancy-related hypertension?

Seventh, don’t give up on yourself. Some friends think that high blood pressure is hereditary. Their grandparents, parents, and parents all have high blood pressure. Even some elders died because of high blood pressure, so they don’t think anything is useful.

Sooner or later, we will be planted on this disease. This idea is unscientific. With the advancement of people’s medicine, combined with our healthy lifestyle, eating less salt, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, exercising properly, there are many ways to relieve people’s mental stress. It can relieve high blood pressure, so everyone must have faith and must control high blood pressure.

For patients with high blood pressure, pay attention to the 5 types of ingredients and eat less! The whole sentence of intelligent original doctor's warning: eating too much sad, brain, kidney

 Patients should eat less food. Now they have a better understanding of this issue. Let me briefly talk about it today. Hypertensive patients only need to control their blood pressure. In fact, there is no difference between ordinary people. They can eat everything, but they are living. It does contain some ingredients, we must pay special attention to it, and give us a few types of introduction.

In the first category, it is recommended that we eat less high-salt ingredients. Because of high blood pressure, most of them are salt-sensitive hypertension. In fact, it is the correlation between high blood pressure and salt. In particular, eat less salt and eat less high-salt. Ingredients, such as ah,

When cooking at home, put less salt and eat less salt-rich ingredients, such as instant noodles, including take-out meals, etc. In this case, blood pressure control is very, very good, but the final reminder is that for some, for example, people with orthostatic low blood pressure and outdoor sports, sweating a lot, can eat more salt moderately. This is not equivalent to ordinary people, but if you are all day long. Ordinary people who do not fall into this category,

I suggest that now we still have to manipulate the time. When we are finished, we have to talk about alcohol. In fact, the reason why many friends with high blood pressure around me have high blood pressure.

Because of drinking, I often go out to socialize and eat. The food in the restaurant and drinking will gradually increase blood pressure. For these people, it is recommended that we quit drinking and do not drink. If we have to drink, we also control the amount, do not exceed one or two beers for white wine, do not exceed one can of red wine, and do not exceed two or two.

In this way, it is relatively acceptable to the body. This is the recommended dosage of the hypertension guide. After talking about this wine, we should recommend that we eat less. We are especially inconspicuous. The ingredients that we have not noticed are trans. Fat, in fact, there are a lot of trans fats nowadays. Go to the supermarket to buy a lot of foods that contain artificial vegetable oils. Artificial butter, hydrogenated vegetable oils, and non-dairy creams are all trans fats. Why should I eat less of this? ?

Due to high blood pressure itself.

If cerebrovascular diseases appear, if you add this trans-fat stubbornness, the risk of cardiovascular disease will increase significantly. Therefore, for the majority of hypertensive patients, eat less foods containing trans-fats.


For the fourth one, I suggest that we eat less high-sugar ingredients or drink less sugary drinks. After eating these high-sugar ingredients or sugary drinks, his sugar toxicity is actually easy to increase. High blood sugar makes it easy for people to become obese. After obesity, they are more likely to have high blood pressure. Many people, in fact, high blood pressure is caused by eating too much sugar, including sugary drinks. Drinking too much is caused. You must manipulate sugary drinks. Contains high-sugar ingredients.

Because sometimes after this kind of blood sugar rises, sugar toxicity will bring read-only, not only blood pressure, but also blood lipids. So, Dr. Zhang suggested that these friends with high blood pressure, let’s try to reduce them as much as possible. Don't drink sugary drinks if you eat high-sugar ingredients. Sugar-free drinks are not good either. Drinking water is the best option.

It is recommended that you eat less of this high-fat food. Hey, this high-fat food includes high fat, high cholesterol, saturated fatty acid and cholesterol. After eating too much, it is not good. Why, because patients with high blood pressure have high After blood lipids, this one plus one is greater than two hazards, which is particularly prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, if you say that your blood pressure is already high, you should pay attention to your blood lipids, and be careful not to use this big hot pot or pork head all day long. These must be in moderation. It does not mean that you can't eat, but you can't eat more. After eating more, the blood lipids are abnormal, and the blood pressure is high, which is too harmful. 

The last one is that everyone should eat less of this high-drifting food, because high-drifting foods, such as seafood, after eating too many animal organs, uric acid is easy to rise, uric acid is high for a long time, everyone knows gout. In fact, if you say it is high, patients with blood pressure have long-term high uric acid, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. In fact, in addition to these dietary taboos, there are many needs. Everyone should pay attention to points, such as high blood pressure. friend.

Try to eat foods with high potassium content, fresh vegetables, fruits, and eat more in moderation. At the same time, for example, some soy products, like some coarse grains, you can eat more in moderation, etc., There are still many related attentions in this respect, just to mention that if our blood pressure is high, we must moderate the bad foods just mentioned, and it is better not to drink alcohol. I hope it can help with blood pressure today. Friends who have already had problems, friends with blood pressure problems, if everyone feels good, pay attention to the collection, you can also forward it to relatives and friends around you to care about your health.

Four things that hypertensive patients should pay attention to! High blood pressure should be done after meals and before going to bed!

 The four things that hypertensive patients are most afraid of, hypertension patients, on average, one in four adults has hypertension relief. Hypertension is very widespread, but some people disagree with hypertension, because higher blood pressure is higher. At one point, just take antihypertensive drugs on a regular basis, because high blood pressure does not have a big impact on your body. In fact, this is a completely wrong idea. High blood pressure itself is not terrible, but high blood pressure Complications are really terrible. High blood pressure can cause our retinopathy.

Coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction, renal insufficiency, high blood pressure, kidney disease, etc. A series of damages such as systolic blood pressure increased by 10 to 12 mmHg, drinking vegetables, height 5-6 mmHg, the risk of cerebral infarction? , It will increase by 35%-40%, and our risk of coronary heart disease will increase by 20%-25%. At the same time, it is not as simple as taking antihypertensive drugs for high blood pressure. Make a series of adjustments.

Today I specifically summarized the four things most feared by hypertensive patients in their daily lives. I dedicate them to everyone. I hope that it will be helpful to all hypertensive patients. The first thing that hypertension fears most is the research. After eating this kind of food with high salt content.

After only half an hour, the dilation function of our blood vessels will be significantly restricted, which can easily lead to impaired heart function. Moreover, long-term consumption of this kind of food with excessive salt content will obviously cause a further increase in blood pressure. High and cause cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction.

Therefore, hypertensive patients must control their consumption. Internationally, each person's daily salt intake is required to be less than six grams, but currently in China, each person's daily time intake is about 12.5 grams.

You must strictly control the amount of salt you eat, and try to eat less salty food.

The second thing that high blood pressure is most afraid of, when indoors is tired and staying up late, the blood flow will slow down, the blood will become thicker and staying up late, the body secretes norepinephrine and epinephrine will increase , Will promote vasoconstriction, these factors add up, it will greatly increase the incidence of cerebral infarction and coronary heart disease.

The third thing that high blood pressure is most afraid of is smoking. For smokers, a smoking history of more than ten years will significantly increase atherosclerosis. If you smoke for a long time, then its blood viscosity will also increase significantly. Therefore, if patients with hypertension continue to smoke for a long time, the risk of coronary heart disease and cerebral infarction will increase significantly. Because this kind of big fish, big meat, high-fat and high-sugar diet will cause a significant increase in blood lipids in our blood, hyperlipidemia will promote the formation of vascular plaques in the botanical garden, which will cause our cerebral infarction and the occurrence of coronary heart disease.

Therefore, patients with high blood pressure must eat lightly and avoid mixing oil.

The four things that hypertensive patients are most afraid of. At the same time, hypertensive patients must cultivate good living habits, do not do two things after meals and two before going to bed.

So, what is the two do not do it after a meal and do not do it before going to bed? Why do you do not do it after a meal and do not do it? Don’t smoke immediately after a meal. There is a saying that a cigarette after a meal is like a living god. .

In fact, this idiom often induces people to make mistakes. After eating, the blood flow rate in the digestive system will be obvious.

If you smoke another cigarette at this time, a large number of harmful components in the cigarette will accelerate into your bloodstream, harm your liver, and damage your brain and heart. Therefore, the so-called cigarette after a meal is actually better than Normally smoking is much more harmful. The second one is not to do it after a meal. It is not to go to bed immediately after a meal. Why do you say that?

Because after eating, the body's blood is concentrated in the digestive system at this time to help the digestive system and digest food. At this time, the blood supply to the brain is relatively lacking. At this time, when I go to bed, go to bed immediately. The body's metabolism is reduced, and the blood flow rate in the brain is even lower.

Therefore, the chance of cerebral infarction will increase at this time. I advise everyone not to be after meals. Go to bed immediately, this will greatly increase the chance of cerebral infarction.

The so-called two do not do before going to bed, the first one is not done, as long as it is before going to bed, then do not drink coffee, because after drinking coffee before going to bed, you will be severely excited, sympathetic nerves will affect the quality of sleep, and you will not fall asleep. At the same time, after the sympathetic nerve is excited, it will promote a further increase in blood pressure. After the blood pressure increases, it will increase the burden on the heart and induce cerebral infarction and coronary heart disease.

Therefore, the doctor suggested that everyone should not drink coffee or strong tea before going to bed.

The so-called not doing two before going to bed refers to not eating supper before going to bed and then going to bed. This principle is not to go to bed immediately after a meal. The principle is the same, because after eating supper before going to bed, a lot of blood is concentrated in In the gastrointestinal tract, the brain is hypoxic and ischemic at this time.

Then immediately enter a state of sleep. In fact, during sleep, it may induce the occurrence of brain herniation. Today, I specifically talked about the four things most feared by hypertensive patients. I hope it can be helpful to everyone. If you think the medical knowledge shared today is very helpful to you, please pay attention and forward it to help more hypertensive patients. Thank you.

8 things most hypertensive persons should be aware of, and learn them as soon as possible

Many hypertensive people do not take their hypertension seriously.

Always believe that elevated blood pressure isn't that bad for you. Many people have no symptoms of elevated blood pressure. Many people disregard high blood pressure medication simply because there are no symptoms.

8 things most hypertensive persons should be aware of, and learn them as soon as possible, Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

In the end, it resulted in some major cardiovascular and cerebrovascular consequences. So, what are the issues that hypertension patients should pay special attention to?

Today, I'll highlight the eight most important facts hypertensive patients should know.

The sooner you understand these eight concepts, the better.

The first item to remember is that hypertension individuals should not constantly believe that if their blood pressure reaches 149 mm Hg, it would bring harm to their bodies. In reality, the blood pressure is 115 75 mm Hg. When the blood pressure is above the column, the blood pressure value progressively becomes damaging to the body, and the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease events grows.

The second point is that people with hypertension should be aware that their normal blood pressure should be less than 138 millimeters of mercury, rather than 139 millimeters of mercury. The majority of hypertension people must have their blood pressure checked. The value is managed below 140 millimeters of mercury, but if situations allow, it can be regulated below 138 millimeters of mercury, which considerably reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease occurrences.

Finally, everyone should be aware that high blood pressure is the leading cause of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, and even renal failure. These disorders can arise if blood pressure is not actively and effectively controlled. The rate has drastically decreased.

The fourth reason is that hypertension individuals should be aware that if their high blood pressure is not managed, it can represent a serious threat to their heart, brain, and kidneys.

The sixth point, which everyone should be aware of, is that we alter our way of life. It is one of the most effective ways to manage hypertension. It is vital to restrict salt intake, decrease weight and exercise more, stop smoking and drinking, and have a calm attitude.

Related articles:What should be done about hypertension? Give you seven techniques to lower your blood pressure.

These six factors are extremely crucial parts of a healthy lifestyle, as mentioned above.

Sixth, hypertension sufferers should be aware that if they have high blood pressure, they must take the medication as directed. Because only the blood pressure value is kept within the normal range, the physical state is identical to that of a person who does not have high blood pressure. longevity.

Seventh, everyone should take extra care of hypertension sufferers. Don't fall for some bogus propaganda. There is currently no way to completely cure high blood pressure. As a result, hypertension sufferers require long-term, if not lifetime, treatment.

Everyone should be aware of the eighth point, which is excessive blood pressure, and its blood pressure reduction must meet the criteria. This means that you are not only responsible for your personal health, but also for the health of your family and society. The eight factors listed above.

I hope hypertension sufferers remember that it is only by doing so that the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disorders may be minimized. So, that's everything for today's topic; you're welcome to continue and forward, and we'll say good-by.

What food do patients with hypertension eat? The countermeasures of autumn and winter nutrition for patients with hypertension

What food do patients with hypertension eat? The countermeasures of autumn and winter nutrition for patients with hypertension

What should hypertension patients eat in autumn and winter? In autumn and winter, the temperature drops, the body must generate a lot of calories to adapt to the calorie consumption in daily life and work, and the amount of meals will also increase. For hypertensive patients, the autumn and winter nutritional mix should not only supplement sufficient energy conversion and nutrients in time, but also pay attention to regulating the level of hypertension. Then, how should hypertensive patients eat in autumn and winter?

What food do patients with hypertension eat? High blood pressure patients eat things like autumn and winter

What food do patients with hypertension eat?

1. Nutritional combination of hypertension patients in autumn and winter

Patients with high blood pressure can also eat more fruits and vegetables such as yam, lotus seeds, white fungus, lettuce, lilies, etc. In addition, winter claws, baskets, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, and oyster mushrooms are also particularly suitable for autumn and winter.

2. Patients with hypertension must adjust their salt intake

Too much salt intake will increase high blood pressure. Hypertensive patients must pay special attention to salt restriction. Daily salt intake should not exceed 3 grams as much as possible.

3. At the same time, hypertension patients suffering from hyperlipidemia must adjust their oil intake

The countermeasures of autumn and winter nutrition for patients with hypertension

Hypertension patients also need to pay attention to the intake of edible oil, particularly those who suffer from hyperlipidemia at the same time. Edible oils account for a relatively high proportion of unsaturated fats and are more suitable for hypertension patients. Olive oil, edible oil, camellia oil, etc. are all terrific choices.

4. Patients with hypertension should eat less pickled products.

Pickled products have a high salt content. Frequent consumption of pickled products will greatly increase salt intake. Therefore, it is better for people with high blood pressure to eat less.

People with high blood pressure are one step closer to developing heart disease! Do them on a regular basis, and your blood pressure will be more steady!

Saturday, October 23, 2021

How to treat people with high blood pressure to get better results? 4 ways to regulate high blood pressure

Regulating methods for high blood pressure: 1. Hypertension treatment requires comprehensive intervention, including interventions on risk factors, target organ damage and clinical disease; 2. Hypertension treatment includes non-drug therapy and drug therapy, and drug therapy should be initiated on non-drug therapy. It is done on the basis of treatment, and most patients with hypertension require long-term or even life-long treatment; 3. Regularly monitor blood pressure and adopt standardized treatment to improve patient compliance; 4. Comprehensive analysis of the patient’s specific situation

How do people with high blood pressure maintain high blood pressure? In fact, it is a type of lifestyle disease. It is a type of lifestyle disease. Therefore, from a positive perspective, improving the patient’s bad lifestyle habits can be very good or even it is a function of lowering blood pressure with ease. The first is the patient's diet with restricted salt. Due to the continuous increase in sodium, hypokalemia is a risk factor for high blood pressure. Therefore, the dietary combination must be a low-sodium diet. Matching is a low-salt diet.

The WHO International Health Organization clearly stated that the overall goal of this salt is five to six grams. That is, the daily intake of salt is five to six grams. According to a common disease survey, the supply of salt is gradually increasing. There may also be some feelings. People in the Northeast will become heavier when they eat salt. The supply of salt for common diseases can reach 13 to 15 grams per day.

In other words, you can give a simpler example. If you eat outside for a long time, you will feel that the meal in this restaurant, the meal in the hotel restaurant, and even outside this one. Certain dietary combinations of this meal make him feel refreshed. , You can still eat and eat, and you don’t need to drink water in the future. Then the usual diet with salt is absolutely excessive. This is the first statement, and the second is to quit smoking and limit alcohol.

What is the impact of smoking on hypertension?

Looking at the breadth and depth of Chinese culture, the term used here is to quit smoking and limit alcohol. These two words, smoking is harmful but not beneficial, you must quit ear thread, ear moxibustion, it uses the word thread, that is to say. It’s not unacceptable to drink wine, but when doing health education and health education, you must tell the wine that it should be limited to a certain range. There are various versions of the guide in various versions of the guide, including white wine, beer and red wine, but we can simply tell the patient, it is a process of one three to one. What is three to one? White wine is one or two, one or two is white wine, one or two, then, red wine is a glass of our usual red wine glass. Of course, when we drink red wine, we have never been full. We dry a large glass, so red wine is definitely used. Comes, so most of this one cup is one-third and half a cup, then beer is a bottle, then, a bottle of beer, we have 300ml to 500ml, when we teach patients The limit on quitting smoking and limiting alcohol is placed within the range of three one. The second point is lifestyle habits, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, and the third one is weight loss.

There is a direct and close relationship between this type of overweight and obesity and high blood pressure

In the third life habit, when it comes to weight control, you can’t help but mention the fourth form of medical treatment. To improve fitness exercises, you should perform scientifically and rationally to increase the amount of this type of exercise and improve the fitness exercise process. Let’s make it empty, try to reduce and controlthese kindsd of high blood pressureriskse.Thee last point, after mentioning the above four, three or four points, the last point is a scientific and reasonablediet. Inn fact, a balanced diet, we have mentioned in thefront andd now this kind of low-salt and low-fat diet, high-fruit food. Intake can reduce the intake of potassium as much as possible. Such a scientific and reasonable diet, dietary combination and nutritional status are vital to the maintenance of our blood pressure and the reduction of the incidence of high blood pressure.