Is 140/90 High Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, refers to the amount of force that the blood exerts against the walls of your arteries. It's a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke. There are two numbers we use to measure blood pressure, and they can be written as one number or two: For example, 120/80 or 120 over 80. The first number (120) is called systolic pressure, which measures how high the blood is when your heart beats and pushes it out. The second number (80) is called diastolic pressure, which measures how high the blood pressure falls between heartbeats. If your systolic pressure is equal to or greater than 140 mmHg and your diastolic pressure is equal to or greater than 90 mmHg, then you likely have high blood pressure.
High Blood Pressure: Do You Have It?
What is high blood pressure?
High blood pressure is a common condition. In fact, it affects one out of three American adults. The main symptom is that you have to exert more force on your heart to push blood through the walls of your arteries.
A person who has high blood pressure has a force in their arteries that is 140/90 mmHg or higher. This means that the systolic pressure (first number) is greater than 140 and the diastolic pressure (second number) is greater than 90. The other way to write a high blood pressure reading would be 120 over 80, which means 120 mmHg for systolic and 80 mmHg for diastolic.
The cause of high blood pressure
There are many potential causes of high blood pressure. One of the most common reasons for developing high blood pressure is having too much salt in your diet.
Salt (sodium) plays an important role in your body's function, but you need to make sure you're eating the right amount. If you consume too much salt, it can lead to high blood pressure due to an increased amount of fluid in your bloodstream.
Additionally, some people may be genetically predisposed to high blood pressure and therefore have a higher risk of getting it no matter what they do. Other potential causes include family history, being overweight or obese, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption.
The good news is that the majority of people who have high blood pressure can control their condition by making changes in lifestyle choices such as cutting back on salt intake and losing weight. A healthy lifestyle can help reduce your chances of developing hypertension or prevent it from getting worse.
Why do this matter to you
High blood pressure is a serious condition that can lead to heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure. You may not notice signs of it until the damage has already been done.
The good news is there are plenty of ways to lower your blood pressure naturally at home.
You may have heard about the benefits of eating certain foods or eliminating certain unhealthy habits from your life. When you adopt these changes to your lifestyle, they can significantly reduce your blood pressure.
Who should get tested
The American Heart Association recommends getting tested for high blood pressure if you are over the age of 18 and either has a family history or are obese. The AHA also recommends testing if you show any signs of heart disease, even if you don't have a family history.
How to lower your blood pressure
You can lower your blood pressure quickly and naturally with some lifestyle changes. If you're over the age of 40, losing just five to ten pounds can help greatly. You should also avoid foods that are high in salt or sugar, like processed foods, fast food, and soda. Give up cigarettes, cut back on alcohol if you drink excessively, and try to get regular exercise.
Doctors often prescribe medicine to lower high blood pressure as well. These drugs work by altering the chemicals in your body that regulate blood pressure or by relaxing the blood vessels so there is less resistance on the artery wall.
If you have high blood pressure, these lifestyle changes will help keep it under control.
One in three adults has high blood pressure, but most don’t know it. High blood pressure affects your organs, your brain, and your heart, so it’s important to have your blood pressure checked regularly.
The best way to lower your blood pressure is to change the way you live. This includes eating healthier, exercising, and not smoking. If you’re not sure what steps to take to improve your health, talk with your doctor to find out the best course of action.