Sunday, November 7, 2021

High blood pressure has a significant effect! What illnesses can be caused by hypertension?

When many people think about hypertension, the first thing that springs to mind is geriatric illness. Only adults over the age of 65 are at risk for this condition. Hypertension, on the other hand, begins to develop in youth. If hypertensive young individuals are not treated promptly, they are more likely to develop the following severe disorders.

High blood pressure has a significant effect! What illnesses can be caused by hypertension?

1. Cardiovascular disease

Long-term hypertension can encourage the creation and progression of atherosclerosis. Because of the functional alteration of the coronary artery, coronary atherosclerosis can obstruct or limit the arterial cavity, or induce myocardial ischemia, hypoxia, and necrosis. Coronary atherosclerotic heart disease is the most frequent kind of organ disease induced by atherosclerosis, and it is also a common condition that poses a major threat to human health.

High blood pressure has a significant effect! What illnesses can be caused by hypertension?

2. Cerebral vasculitis

Cerebral bleeding, cerebral thrombosis, cerebral infarction, and transient ischemic attack are all examples. Cerebrovascular accident, generally known as stroke, is a terrible disease with a high mortality rate. Even if it is not deadly, the majority of them will be permanently incapacitated. It is the most virulent of the acute cerebrovascular disorders.

The higher the blood pressure of hypertensive people, the greater the risk of stroke. If the cerebral arteries of hypertensive patients harden to a certain extent, combined with temporary or excessive excitement, such as anger, the occurrence of sudden accidents, violent exercise, and so on, blood pressure will rise sharply, the cerebral vessels will rupture and bleed, and blood will overflow into the brain tissue surrounding the blood vessels. At this point, the patient will go into a coma and collapse to the ground, which is why it is generally referred to as a stroke.

3. Hypertensive cardiomyopathy

High blood pressure has a significant effect! What illnesses can be caused by hypertension?

Left ventricular hypertrophy and enlargement, cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, and interstitial fibrosis are the most common cardiac alterations in hypertensive individuals. Hypertension causes cardiac hypertrophy and enlargement, a condition known as hypertensive heart disease. Hypertensive heart illness is an unavoidable consequence of hypertension that cannot be treated for an extended period of time. Finally, it may have an impact on life safety as a result of cardiac hypertrophy, arrhythmia, and heart failure.

4th. Hypertensive encephalopathy

It is more common in persons with severe hypertension. Excessive blood perfusion causes cerebral edema because elevated blood pressure exceeds the automatic regulatory range of cerebral blood flow. Clinically, encephalopathy symptoms and indicators include widespread severe headache, vomiting, disruption of consciousness, insanity, and even coma and convulsions.

5. End-stage renal disease

The damage of hypertension to the kidney is a significant consequence, with hypertension associated with renal failure accounting for around 10% of all cases. Hypertension and renal disease might combine to create a vicious cycle. On the one hand, hypertension damages the kidneys; on the other hand, kidney disease can worsen hypertension. Throughout general, renal arterioles harden, renal blood flow diminishes, and the kidney's capacity to concentrate urine decreases in the middle and late stages of hypertension. Polyuria and nocturia will worsen at this time.

Rapidly growing hypertension can result in significant chronic renal arteriole lesions, malignant renal arteriosclerosis, and uremia.

What does hypertension consume? What should a hypertension diet focus on?

 What does hypertension consume? What should a hypertension diet focus on?

There is never a shortage of hypertensive sufferers around us. As a chronic condition, hypertension has a significant influence on people's health and quality of life. We must pay attention to the rising prevalence of hypertension. In addition to medications, nutrition is more significant in the treatment of hypertension since it may help us address the core cause of the condition without causing side effects. What are the dietary no-nos and items to avoid if you have high blood pressure?

What does hypertension consume? What should a hypertension diet focus on?

1. Hypertension Causes

Weight growth is the most harmful element associated with hypertension, since if the body is fat, it is not only simple to harden the arteries, but it is also easy to enlarge the microvessels in the fat, which will increase blood flow and raise blood pressure at the same time. Furthermore, consuming extra salt in the diet will result in hypertension. Furthermore, a poor intake of calcium, potassium, and high-quality protein raises blood pressure. Furthermore, increasing age, intense job pressure, mental stress, smoking, and drinking all contribute to a rise in blood pressure.

2. A light diet is recommended.

Patients with hypertension should eat a modest diet. A vegetarian diet is better for those who want to lower their blood pressure. Fat and cholesterol consumption should be limited, while vitamin, cellulose, and calcium absorption should be maximized. As a result, the diet calls for more coarse grains, coarse grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat, bean products, poultry, fish, and other meals, rather than greasy food and lard. Furthermore, coffee, strong tea, white sugar, and spicy foods are not suited for consumption.

Chrysanthemum porridge, celery porridge, mung bean kelp porridge, lotus leaf porridge, vinegar soaked peanuts, sweet and sour garlic, light vegetable shepherd's purse soup, and other dishes are advised.

3. Dietary etiquette

Excessive sodium salt consumption is a common cause of hypertension. As a result, in order to regulate and lower blood pressure, we must consume less salt. Facts show that cutting back on salt has a dramatic influence on lowering blood pressure. Furthermore, smoke and alcohol have a significant negative impact on hypertensive patients, increasing the likelihood of hypertension being complicated with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular illness.

Because alcohol reduces the patient's reaction to antihypertensive medicines, it is vital to quit smoking and drinking, even if it is difficult to quit drinking. In addition, the diet must be consistent and quantitative. It is not appropriate to overeat or have a full dinner.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Hypertension vigilance: the danger and prevention of hypertension

Hypertension vigilance: the danger and prevention of hypertension

What are the risks of hypertension and how can it be avoided? Risks include the induction of cardiovascular disease, the promotion of atherosclerosis, and the development of heart failure. The control strategy is to modify one's diet and consume more radish and kiwi fruit.

The Dangers of Hypertension

1. Induced cardiovascular disease: While hypertension is not a dangerous condition, cardiovascular disease is. The risk of cardiovascular disease in hypertensive people is quite significant. Many patients with hypertension exacerbated by disorders must be hospitalized for an extended period of time, and their quality of life suffers as a result.

2. Promote atherosclerosis: Coronary heart disease, stroke, and renal artery stenosis are all typical consequences in hypertensive individuals. Atherosclerosis is a common symptom of many disorders. If it is not prevented in time by taking medications and altering diet to manage blood pressure, the condition may worsen and become complex with a range of diseases, and the patient's life may be jeopardized.

3. Heart failure: The frequency of heart failure in hypertensive individuals is significant. When this happens, the condition is severe, with symptoms such as shortness of breath, irritation, coughing, hemoptysis, and so on. In severe circumstances, you will pass out and die.

Hypertension vigilance: the danger and prevention of hypertension

Hypertension prevention and treatment

1. Radish: softens blood vessels, disperses congestion, eliminates accumulation stagnation, has a sweet and chilly flavor, and is frequently eaten in meals that can prevent arteriosclerosis and lower blood pressure, such as radish pig bone soup.

2. Kiwi fruit: it has the ability to disperse blood stasis and activate blood circulation, as well as decrease blood pressure and cholesterol. It has a sour, sweet, and chilly flavor. It can help reduce hypertension if you eat it frequently. People who have reduced their blood pressure can also reduce their risk of coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis.

What are the risks of hypertension and how can it be avoided? I suppose you are already aware of this. You are invited to consult the specialists of professional hospitals if you have any questions. The physicians will provide you with answers based on their clinical experience. I wish the patient a speedy recovery and a complete cure of the sickness.

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High blood pressure is quite harmful. How Can High Blood Pressure Be Prevented?

Reduce your drinking.

First and foremost, we should develop the habit of drinking less, because excessive drinking can contribute to hypertension. Drinking causes a rise in heart rate, vasoconstriction, blood pressure, and perhaps intracerebral hemorrhage.

Calcium and potassium supplements are recommended.

Potassium can reduce the rise in blood pressure induced by excessive salt consumption, and it has a more noticeable antihypertensive impact on moderate hypertension. Calcium and potassium supplements have an antihypertensive impact because increasing potassium consumption promotes salt outflow.

Shrimp, walnuts, huge bones, milk, kelp, soybeans, lettuce, celery, towel gourd, and other typical calcium and potassium-rich foods are just a few examples.

High blood pressure is quite harmful. How Can High Blood Pressure Be Prevented?

Keep your cool.

In life, we should have a calm demeanor, speak less, and maintain a positive attitude at all times, as this is beneficial to our hypertension prevention and overall health.

Low-salt, edible

Salt in foods should be decreased to half the original amount for persons with high blood pressure. Excess blood volume is one of the causes of hypertension since salt contains sodium. When too much sodium is consumed, the level of sodium in the blood rises.

Water will be retained in the blood in order to maintain osmotic pressure balance, resulting in increased blood volume, which is not helpful to blood pressure regulation. As a result, patients with hypertension should consume a low-salt diet.

Regularly check your blood pressure.

Whether or whether they have hypertension, people should monitor their blood pressure and take their blood pressure on a regular basis to avoid and treat hypertension.

Patients with essential hypertension basically need lifelong medication.

 Patients with essential hypertension basically need lifelong medication. The etiology of hypertension is complex, and it is not completely clear, so it can not be cured. We can only "suit the remedy to the case" and take antihypertensive drugs for treatment.

Some friends think that after taking the medicine for a period of time, my blood pressure has dropped. Would my high blood pressure be better and I don't have to take the medicine again? This idea is wrong. The blood pressure is controlled, which shows that the type and dosage of drugs taken now are more appropriate, rather than the treatment of hypertension. Everyone's situation is different, and the medication methods are also different. After the blood pressure is balanced to a stage, the dosage and times of medication can be changed, but the principle of lifelong medication remains the same.

But there is a kind of fruit that must not be eaten with antihypertensive medicine! That's grapefruit. In the fruit of grapefruit, there is a chemical substance called furan coumarin. This substance will reduce the activity of some enzymes in the liver, resulting in the decline of human body's metabolic ability to drugs. The drugs will enter the circulatory system with multiple power, and the effect is equivalent to overdose. Taking antihypertensive drugs and grapefruit at the same time may lead to hypotension, panic, dizziness and other symptoms, and even myocardial infarction.

Friday, November 5, 2021

What is the impact of smoking on hypertension?

What is the impact of smoking on hypertension?

It is widely acknowledged that smoking may quickly lead to lung problems, yet many individuals are unaware of the influence of smoking on hypertension.

Recently, some researchers conducted a comparison observation and study on 250 male patients with normal blood pressure and patients with hypertension using the approach of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. The findings revealed that among the male population with occasional normal blood pressure, the smoking group's systolic and diastolic blood pressures were higher than those of non-smokers during the day and night. During the day, the contrast is most noticeable. At the same time, smokers have a quicker heart rate than non-smokers.

What is the impact of smoking on hypertension?

According to the findings, smoking can raise blood pressure and heart rate in people with normal blood pressure. In untreated male patients with essential hypertension who did not have apparent cardiac, cerebral, or renal problems, smokers had higher systolic and diastolic blood pressures during the day and night than nonsmokers. Smokers' night blood pressure was likewise much greater than nonsmokers', and the law of non-decrease of blood pressure during night sleep was established. Why does smoking raise blood pressure? At the moment, it is thought to be mostly caused by the very poisonous chemical nicotine found in cigarettes.

Nicotine can cause the heart and adrenal gland to emit a considerable quantity of catecholamines, causing the heart to beat faster, blood vessels to constrict, and blood pressure to rise. Some researchers discovered that smoking an ordinary cigarette can raise systolic blood pressure by 1.3 3.3kpa (10 30m mhg) if you smoke a lot for a long period. In other words, smoking 30-40 cigarettes per day might induce tiny artery contractions to occur on a constant basis. The smooth muscle of the tiny artery wall degenerates with time, and the intima of blood arteries progressively thickens, resulting in arteriosclerosis.

Smoking also affects blood lipid metabolism, increasing blood cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein while decreasing high-density lipoprotein. As a result, the development of atherosclerosis is hastened, and patients are more likely to develop fast malignant hypertension, subarachnoid hemorrhage, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and other complications.

Furthermore, some findings reveal that hypertension individuals who smoke have a more difficult time achieving an acceptable curative effect because of their lower sensitivity to antihypertensive medicines, and may even need to raise the dose. As can be shown, smoking has a significant influence on hypertension. As a result, smokers, particularly hypertensive patients, are encouraged to quit smoking as soon as possible.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

The body sends these three signals to tell you that your blood pressure is higher than normal!

 The body sends these three signals to tell you that your blood pressure is higher than normal!

1. Migraine

Many conditions can induce headaches, but hypertension-related headaches are characterized by flatulence or dull pain. When blood pressure rises, some individuals experience nausea and vomiting as a result of vasoconstriction.

2. synchronicity

High blood pressure causes the brain to be impacted by external stimuli, resulting in the sensation of dizziness. Furthermore, dizziness will occur if cerebral blood vessels are injured and obstructed, resulting in a loss of cerebral blood flow.

3. Physical immobility

If the limbs are rigid, paralyzed, silent, or walking is unsteady, these are signs of hemiplegia that must be monitored. When a cardiac cerebral infarction develops, it may be caused by a shortage of blood flow to the cerebral arteries.