Saturday, November 6, 2021

Hypertension vigilance: the danger and prevention of hypertension

Hypertension vigilance: the danger and prevention of hypertension

What are the risks of hypertension and how can it be avoided? Risks include the induction of cardiovascular disease, the promotion of atherosclerosis, and the development of heart failure. The control strategy is to modify one's diet and consume more radish and kiwi fruit.

The Dangers of Hypertension

1. Induced cardiovascular disease: While hypertension is not a dangerous condition, cardiovascular disease is. The risk of cardiovascular disease in hypertensive people is quite significant. Many patients with hypertension exacerbated by disorders must be hospitalized for an extended period of time, and their quality of life suffers as a result.

2. Promote atherosclerosis: Coronary heart disease, stroke, and renal artery stenosis are all typical consequences in hypertensive individuals. Atherosclerosis is a common symptom of many disorders. If it is not prevented in time by taking medications and altering diet to manage blood pressure, the condition may worsen and become complex with a range of diseases, and the patient's life may be jeopardized.

3. Heart failure: The frequency of heart failure in hypertensive individuals is significant. When this happens, the condition is severe, with symptoms such as shortness of breath, irritation, coughing, hemoptysis, and so on. In severe circumstances, you will pass out and die.

Hypertension vigilance: the danger and prevention of hypertension

Hypertension prevention and treatment

1. Radish: softens blood vessels, disperses congestion, eliminates accumulation stagnation, has a sweet and chilly flavor, and is frequently eaten in meals that can prevent arteriosclerosis and lower blood pressure, such as radish pig bone soup.

2. Kiwi fruit: it has the ability to disperse blood stasis and activate blood circulation, as well as decrease blood pressure and cholesterol. It has a sour, sweet, and chilly flavor. It can help reduce hypertension if you eat it frequently. People who have reduced their blood pressure can also reduce their risk of coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis.

What are the risks of hypertension and how can it be avoided? I suppose you are already aware of this. You are invited to consult the specialists of professional hospitals if you have any questions. The physicians will provide you with answers based on their clinical experience. I wish the patient a speedy recovery and a complete cure of the sickness.

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