Saturday, November 13, 2021

What antihypertensive medications are available to help you stabilize?

 What antihypertensive medications are available to help you stabilize?

The use of antihypertensive medicines in hypertensive patients must be determined based on their condition and problems. For the first diagnosis of hypertension, valsartan, irbesartan, enalapril, nifedipine, and other medicines are advised. Metoprolol can be prescribed if the patient's heart rate is excessively high. Patients with hypertension should pay close attention to the use of antihypertensive medications, and it is recommended to see a regular cardiology department.

Elevated blood pressure is a condition of progressive cardiovascular illness produced by a range of reasons, which is mostly evident in a rise in systemic arterial pressure, and patients with this kind of disease frequently have a number of risk factors. Alternatively, the condition can cause organ damage such as heart, brain, kidney, blood vessel, and other organ damage. Finally, it creates clinical illnesses that finally lead to organ failure and patient death. What antihypertensive medications might help it stay stable?

Long-term poor habits, heredity, age growth, insulin resistance, obesity, and other variables all contribute to the formation of hypertension. Blood pressure will rise as a result of smoking and drinking. These common elements must be removed. The above-mentioned risk factors are mostly responsible for hypertension. Patients must manage their risk factors, take their medications as prescribed, and keep their blood pressure under control.

ACEI or ARB antihypertensive medications, such as perindopril, enalapril, irbesartan, valsartan, telmisartan, and others, can be used to stabilize blood pressure. Because most hypertensive patients have renin-induced hypertension, the sympathetic nerve is stimulated, causing renin production to rise and the RAAS system to be activated. At this moment, medicines that block the RAAS system and inhibit the sympathetic nerve have a better impact. Young individuals should also be aware of secondary hypertension and check for signs of renal artery stenosis, pheochromocytoma, and other disorders on a regular basis.

There are no absolute contraindications to using antihypertensive medications. Once the cause of the rise in blood pressure has been determined, consistent and effective therapy must be instituted in order to attain the desired blood pressure level as quickly as feasible and permanently. In addition, patients should follow a light diet, eat less irritating foods, and limit their salt intake. It is advised that each individual consume 5-6 g of salt every day. We must follow up on a frequent basis in order to detect difficulties in a timely manner, change the treatment plan, and enhance the prognosis.

In summary, perindopril, enalapril, irbesartan, valsartan, telmisartan, and other medicines can be used to treat high blood pressure, but you should visit a doctor first. If the patient's blood pressure increases immediately, let them to relax first to minimize stress, excitement, and other emotions, then remove the incentives and monitor the blood pressure. If the blood pressure returns to normal, there is no need to take medication or keep a close eye on it. The first option for hypertension treatment is to rely only on medications.

They can be administered in combination if the therapeutic impact is low. When utilizing medications in combination, they should be used flexibly under the supervision of doctors, and various drugs should be chosen based on the patients' individual conditions.

How is hypertension produced? Pay attention to these ten reasons!

 How is hypertension produced? Pay attention to these ten reasons!

People often ask: my blood pressure has been very good. Why is it incredibly high? How is hypertension produced? This problem is very messy. The exact mechanism of hypertension has not been fully explained, but the following factors are important causes of hypertension.

First, genetic factors play a very important role in the production of hypertension. The time of producing hypertension is significantly higher for people whose parents have hypertension. In patients with hypertension, about half of them have genetic background. Therefore, parents with hypertension should strengthen prevention.

Secondly, with age, blood pressure will gradually increase (mainly systolic blood pressure, which is usually called "high pressure"). So many people have normal blood pressure when they are young, and their blood pressure will rise when they get older. The low pressure of the elderly often decreases gradually.

Third, it's too fat! Obesity is one of the common and important causes of elevated blood pressure. The effect of weight gain and weight loss on blood pressure is very significant. Therefore, people who are not fat must prevent obesity, and fat people must try their best to lose weight. The blood pressure of people with mild hypertension can return to normal after slimming down.

Fourth, eat too much salt! Many people's blood pressure is particularly sensitive to salt. Eating too much salt (too heavy taste) can cause a significant increase in blood pressure, so patients with hypertension should eat less salt.

Fifth, are you too busy, too tired and too serious? The serious pace of work and life, high ideological pressure, emotional excitement, anxiety and often staying up late will cause abnormal regulation of nervous system and hormone levels in the human body, resulting in faster heartbeat and increased vascular severity, which is another common cause of elevated blood pressure. Many professionals are in the increasingly fierce competition. They can't relax for a long time, and their blood pressure is easy to rise.

Sixth, do you often drink big wine? Busy with homework during the day and wine making at night, it's strange that the blood pressure is not high!

Seventh, lack of sleep. Continue to stay up late (perhaps busy with homework, perhaps playing games and playing cards), it is more likely to produce high blood pressure.

Eighth, sleep snoring? Snoring at night is loud and always suffocating. This is called sleep apnea syndrome. When such people sleep, their bodies will be in a state of severe hypoxia, which will promote the production of hypertension overnight.

Ninth, some drugs can cause hypertension! For example, contraceptives, hormones, painkillers, etc. people who often take these drugs should pay attention to yo.

Tenth, a variety of diseases can also cause elevated blood pressure. This is called secondary hypertension. It is a common sense that doctors need to master. I won't talk about it here.

Knowing the causes of elevated blood pressure will help you prevent hypertension.

Friday, November 12, 2021

What is the reason for high systolic blood pressure? How many lead to high systolic blood pressure?

 What is the reason for high systolic blood pressure? How many lead to high systolic blood pressure?

The reason for high systolic blood pressure is mainly related to the size of myocardial contractility, the amount of cardiac output and the elasticity of arterial wall. If these aspects are abnormal, it will simply lead to high systolic blood pressure, which will have a great impact on the patient's health, and timely and correct symptomatic treatment is needed, And also have a regular day habits and eating habits.

Some patients with hypertension will show fatigue, dizziness or loss of appetite, and patients with hypertension include young people and some elderly people. Their work and days will have a certain impact on the patient's health. Then, what are the reasons for high blood pressure and systolic blood pressure, and several major reasons for high blood pressure and systolic blood pressure.

1. Generally, patients with hypertension will have some increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, but the primary manifestation of some young people is simple increase in diastolic blood pressure, and the elderly will have simple increase in systolic blood pressure. In any case, as long as there is simple increase in systolic blood pressure, it is necessary to know the reason and adjust in time, The more common reason is that the elasticity of blood vessel wall decreases, which is also the result of Senile Arteriosclerosis. There are also some factors that may affect systolic blood pressure, such as the size of myocardial contractility, cardiac output and arterial wall elasticity. These factors may lead to high systolic blood pressure, so patients must be active in symptomatic treatment.

2. In the case of high systolic blood pressure, patients must choose suitable antihypertensive drugs for treatment. At the same time, they must ensure regular days, form the good habit of going to bed early and in the morning, and can't stay up late at night. After the morning, they can also take some aerobic exercise, such as walking slowly, walking fast, jogging, yoga, square dance, etc. sodium salt and high fat should be limited in their diet, The intake of high cholesterol food, preventing the stimulation of tobacco and alcohol, and eating more fruits and vegetables as much as possible will also be conducive to the rehabilitation and improvement of the disease. During this period, we must adhere to a philosophical attitude, and a stable mood is very important.

Finally, patients with high systolic blood pressure must pay attention to rest. They should have satisfied rest and sleep time every day, and adhere to an excellent sleep quality, which will also have a good effect on improving patients' conditions and diseases. Patients must prevent always eating spicy and cold things, as well as pickled products, fried and expanded foods.

What precautions do hypertensive patients take medicine?

 What precautions do hypertensive patients take medicine?

If you have high blood pressure, you can't decline only by improving your lifestyle; Or if the initial blood pressure is too high, secondary hypertension or above, you need to take antihypertensive drugs.

Medical research has proved that antihypertensive therapy is beneficial and compared with diseases such as hypertension. Its benefits far outweigh the damage of the disease to the body and the side effects of drugs. At present, the first-line antihypertensive drugs introduced clinically have significant effects and safety. For patients with hypertension, antihypertensive treatment can significantly reduce cardiovascular hazards and diseases, and the overall drug safety. Not to mention young hypertension, even hypertension in the elderly over the age of 80 can benefit from antihypertensive therapy.

Some patients have normal blood pressure after taking antihypertensive drugs and stop the drugs without authorization. However, after taking antihypertensive drugs, the blood pressure is normal, which is the effect of antihypertensive drugs. At this time, if you stop taking medicine, the antihypertensive effect will be gone. It is reasonable for your blood pressure to rise again. Only the patient has no symptoms and no feeling. In addition, he does not know the rise of blood pressure without measuring blood pressure. A few years later, the harm occurred. Therefore, if the blood pressure is normal, continue taking antihypertensive drugs.

If the blood pressure drops too low after taking the medicine, it can be reduced or even stopped. However, it must be carried out under the guidance of doctors.

Many risk factors of hypertension are related to bad lifestyle. Therefore, when some risk factors are manipulated, adverse lifestyles are improved, metabolic disorders are corrected, and blood pressure will drop to varying degrees. If blood pressure can be reduced to normal level and maintained, antihypertensive drugs can be discontinued.

The fluctuation of blood pressure is related to season and environmental factors. Due to different seasons and regional environment, the blood pressure level will also change. Antihypertensive drugs should be adjusted accordingly, reduced or stopped, but they should be carried out under the guidance of doctors.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The gospel of hypertension

 The gospel of hypertension. If you are a patient with hypertension, you can control your blood pressure by doing these nine points in your life.

Less oil and salt;

Second, do more aerobic exercise;

Third, the state of mind should be calm and stable, and the state of mind should not have great sorrow;

4. Not staying up late;

Fifth, slimming and obesity are the natural enemies of hypertension;

6. Drink more water; 

7. Not smoking; 

(VIII) prevention of constipation;

Nine days to measure blood pressure, this is the most important.

The blood pressure-lowering secret has been revived! When you stick to four workouts, your blood pressure lowers.

 The blood pressure-lowering secret has been revived! When you stick to four workouts, your blood pressure lowers.

Hypertension is today a reasonably prevalent ailment, and it has an effect on people's health.

With the rise in living standards in recent years, the number of hypertensive patients in our country is growing by the day. How to successfully prevent and reduce hypertension has also been a growing issue for hypertensive patients, as evidenced by the Internet. There are several methods for lowering blood pressure. Some of these activities can also help hypertensive people lower their blood pressure. So, what workouts are appropriate for hypertension patients?

1. Going for a stroll

A considerable quantity of statistical data has revealed that hypertension individuals who persist on walking every day have much lower blood pressure than those who do not. Walking every day can help to ease many of the symptoms of high blood pressure.

Exercise is essential for people with high blood pressure. When exercising in the morning or evening, go to a park with fresh air for approximately half an hour, so insisting on one or two times a day is very helpful for blood pressure stability.

The walking speed is not set in stone; you may alter it to suit your physical condition.

2. Running

When compared to walking, jogging takes greater activity. As a result, jogging is not suggested for persons in their forties and fifties. This is more suited to younger hypertension individuals. If you persist on running for an extended period of time, you can aid yourself to some extent. The patient's blood pressure has consistently decreased, and the different functions of the body can be improved to some extent.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Can hypertensive patients drink black tea?

 Can hypertensive patients drink black tea?

The answer is: Yes!

The key point is, don't drink too strong to prevent affecting the quality of sleep, poor rest and causing blood pressure fluctuation. And don't drink tea immediately after taking antihypertensive drugs.

Hypertension, can drink black tea, hypertension. In terms of diet, it is mainly to choose low salt and low-fat diet, quit smoking, limit alcohol and other measures. Drinking tea, whether black tea or green tea, has more tea polyphenols, which can remove free radicals in the body and help in the prevention and treatment of hypertension. And black tea can also help reduce blood lipids. Therefore, the incidence rate of atherosclerosis can be reduced. Therefore, patients with hypertension can drink black tea. In addition to paying attention to diet, hypertension also has more exercise. Through exercise to increase calorie consumption, control weight and prevent obesity, and then cooperate to diagnose and treat drugs, we can control blood pressure on an appropriate scale to prevent or reduce complications.