Sunday, November 14, 2021

Hypertension friends have a dry cough. What should I do?

 Hypertension friends have a dry cough. What should I do?

Friends with hypertension, if you have a dry cough, manifested as no phlegm, itchy throat, paroxysmal cough, and no other cold symptoms (such as runny nose, fever, sneezing), please take a look at whether there is Puli in your antihypertensive drugs. If you are taking Puli antihypertensive drugs (such as captopril, perindopril, benazepril, ramipril, enalapril, fosinopril, etc.), it may cause dry cough. If the dry cough is not serious, you don't have to stop taking the medicine. If you use it for a while, maybe the dry cough will stop by itself. If the cough is serious, you need to ask the doctor to adjust your blood pressure reduction plan. Generally, the cough will stop by itself in the future. Do not use cough medicine yourself. Cough medicine doesn't work well at this time.

Don't stop the antihypertensive drugs by yourself to prevent affecting the control of blood pressure. Whether the dry cough is caused by pril drugs needs to be determined by the professional judgment of doctors and pharmacists.

Generally speaking, antihypertensive drugs are commonly used as drugs for chronic diseases. The incidence of side effects is relatively low and the side effects are subtle. Hypertension friends can rest assured to use. It is also necessary to understand the symptoms of common side effects of some drugs. Once relevant symptoms occur, you can find a doctor or pharmacist in time to judge whether it is caused by drugs. The advantage of doing so is: top the list to prevent unnecessary fear. Second, prevent self medication, and then use unnecessary drugs. Third, it also helps to find out the causes of these symptoms as soon as possible.

In short, insist on taking medicine and remember the symptoms of common side effects that the drugs may present. Once relevant symptoms appear, please find a doctor and pharmacist in time to make professional judgment and treatment.